My first successful 30 meters slackline walk!!



Summer 2015 was a slackline summer for me. I had an elbow injury from bad technique muscleups and as a result, I couldn't do any upper body exercises for 3 months. It was pretty frustrating...But instead of being depressed I've just decided to use the time and concentrate on another areas. In June, I could walk ca 15 meters long slackline and by the August end, I've successfully conquered my first 50 meters :) That's to this day my PR (personal record)..or should I say ATH (all time high) ? :D

On the video is my first-ever 30 meters line from July 2015.


Leto 2015 sa nieslo v znameni slacklinu. Mal som zraneny laket z robenia muscleupov zlou technikou a vpodstate som viac nez tri mesiace nemohol s rukou nic robit. Bolo to dost frustrujuce, no namiesto depresie som si povedal, ze nad tym nebudem rozmyslat a proste sa budem sustredit na to, co robit mozem. Na zaciatku toho leta som vedel prejst po slacku cca 15 metrov a na konci augusta som presiel mojich prvych 50 :) Tie ostavaju doteraz mojim PR (personal record)...alebo mam povedat ATH (all time high) ? :D

Na videu moj prvy uspesny 30 metrovy pokus z jula 2015.

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [My 3 months in Pakistan #4] Lahore - traffic, cuisine, city & Badshahi mosque
  2. My sport transformation (Ball games -> Fitness -> Calisthenics -> Slackline -> Handstands -> Jiu jitsu)
  3. Humans, sports and self-esteem
  4. Im enjoying my time abroad but hey...Slovakia is beautiful too!
  5. [Podcast quick facts #3] Joe Rogan Experience - "Big" John McCarthy
  6. My video is at DLive

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