I'm enjoying my time abroad but hey....Slovakia is beautiful too !!

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What I've noticed among young Slovaks who live abroad, that they constantly bad-mouth Slovakia and how their new home-country is much better than Slovakia. Posting cool pictures, enjoying the live abroad etc etc. As if they weren't missing their home country. Of course they miss it! Slovakia is one beautiful land, I can tell you that!

I've realized, me constantly rambling about Innsbruck might also sound like those people I just mentioned. But it's not true! I'm not saying Innsbruck is nicer than my home country. Look, this is the picture I've made during a hike in Slovakia. Ain't it beautiful?

King's well, Big Fatra mountains


Co som si vsimol medzi mladymi Slovakmi zijucimi v zahranici je, ze vkuse rozpravaju o Slovensku v zlom svetle a o tom ako je ich novy domov v krajine X omnoho lepsi. Postuju fancy fotky ako si ich novy zivot uzivaju atd atd. Ako keby im Slovensko nechybalo. Samozrejme, ze im chyba! Slovensko je krasna krajina, to vsetci vieme!

Uvedomil som si, ze to ze vkuse meliem o Innsbrucku moze zniet presne tak ako ti ludia ktorych som prave popisal. To ale nie je pravda! Vobec si nemyslim, ze Innsbruck a Alpy su krajsie ako Slovensko a nasa priroda. Napr. tato fotka z Velkej Fatry.

Kralova studna, Velka Fatra

One more / A este jeda.
First photo is also my entry for today´s #landscapephotography contest hosted by @juliank.

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [My 3 months in Pakistan #4] Lahore - traffic, cuisine, city & Badshahi mosque
  2. [Podcast quick facts #3] Joe Rogan Experience - "Big" John McCarthy
  3. My street + playing around with background compression
  4. I know Jack Shit about photography ... aka My first "photoshoot"
  5. Innsbruck old town - colourful houses and upcoming CSD parade
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