My sport transformation (Ball games -> Fitness -> Calisthenics -> Slackline -> Handstands -> Jiu jitsu)


Soo as mentioned in my last post, this weeks #cesky weekly topic is sports. And I loove sports. So yeah, today I'mma go through history of my sports-related interests.

Stage I. - skinny, weak & ball games

This stage started when I was like 3 years old and ended around 17. I found working out for stupid people. I was suuuuuperskinny and supertall. That made me pretty good in volleyball and basketball. I even trained basketball in a club for a while. Also I sucked and to this days still suck at football.


Dnes si skusim pospominat na moju "sportovu historiu" a vyvoj. Co ma bavilo, co ma nebavilo, co mi slo a co mi neslo :) Tak podme na to.

Chudy, slaby + loptove hry

Toto vpodstate zacalo ked som mal 3 roky a trvalo do nejakych 17tich. Ako som spominal naposledy, hocico spojene s fitness a posilnovanim som povazoval za sprostost. Bol som ultrachudy a vysoky - preto mi dost siel volejbal a basketbal. Zaroven som bol a stale aj som futbalove nemehlo :D

189cm, 65kg :) Party animal :D

Stage II. - big, strong & gym

Around 17ish, I've had a bet that I'll gain 5kg in 3 months. That's where my whole current anti-ball sports career started :D I've started going to the gym almost every day and it continued like that for the next 2-3 years. I went from 66kg to 78kg in a year. I can't say by any means that I was big or bulky. But compared to my previous standards, I was.

Here should be the pic, but I'm just too ashamed of my Schwarzeneger wannabee photos to share them :D

Velky, silny & posilka

Okolo 17tich som mal stavku, ze za 3 mesiace dokazem pribrat 5 kil. To bolo vpodstate to, to nastartovalo cele moje sportove nadsenie mimo nahanania sa za loptami. Chodil som do posilky 2-3 roky a zo 66kg som sa dostal na 78. Nemozem vonkoncom povedat, ze som bol velky, ale bol som vacsi ako predtym :D

Ok, tu by mala byt teraz foto, ale moje schwarzenegrovky sem fakt postnut nemozem :D

Stage III. - lean, strong & calisthenics

Then I slowly started to shift from lifting weights into calisthenics and bodyweight workouts. It just made me similarly strong but I wasn't that bulky. And I liked it. To look lean and then surprise people with 20 pullups :)

Chudy, silny & kalistenika

Casom som pomalicky zacal z gymu prechadzat na kalisteniku - cvicenie s vlastnou vahou. Kliky, zhyby, drepy na jednej nohe, sprinty - pacilo sa mi, ze som nebol taky nafuknuty a v tricku som vyzeral akoby ani necvicim no sila mi ostala.
Used to do lot of basic gymnatics exercises like Vsit (It's in my friends room, mass gainer is not mine) / Zvykol som robievat vela lahsich gymnastickych cvikov ako V-sit (je to v kamosovej izbe, ten gainer nie je moj :D)

Stage IV. - balance & Ido Portal

Then I've realized power is not everything and killing myself to do 20 pullups instead of 18 is just stupid. It was still just about looks. As Ido Portal says:
Muscles without skills are reverse engineering
. I've stumbled across this video of his and it completely shifted my perception of working out. I've started playing more with balance and learned handstand or slackline.

Rovnovaha & Ido Portal

Potom som si uvedomil, ze sila nie je vsetko a tyzdne sa snazit len aby som spravil 20 zhybov miesto 18 nema zmysel. Ako vravi Ido Portal:
Svaly bez schopnosti je inzinierstvo naopak.
Po tom co som videl jedno z jeho videi sa mi kompletne zmenil pohlad na to, preco sportujem. Zacal som sa viac hrat s rovnovahou a naucil stojky alebo slackline.


Snowboarding motion on the slackline :) My favorite / Snowbordovanie na slacku, total sranda. Staci slack len rozkmitat a potom uz len balancovat :)

Mentioned Ido's video / Spominane Idove video

Stage V. -Ido, Conor & BJJ

Then once again, after I got better in balancing, Ido stepped in. once again. And poor me had to change a field once again as well :D In 2015, he posted a video with Conor McGregor and I was hooked. His mindset was just sooo inspirational I had to try some martial arts. After doing my research what works and what doesn't, BJJ was an obvious choice IMO :)

Oh, Ido, uz znova? & BJJ

Po tom, com som sa naucil balancovat na slacku a aj na rukach, prisiel zasa Ido s jeho dalsim videom. A ja som zas a znova kvoli tomu musel zmenit brandz :D Ido postol video s Conorom Mcgregorom (2015) a vedel som, ze musim nieco podobne vyskusat. Po googleni ake bojove sporty vlastne existuju a ktore funguju a ktore nie som sa rozhodol pre brazilske jiu jitsu :)
My first class ever :) / Moj prvy trening ever :)

2 weeks into the training, I've fallen of the bike - broken wrist and 6 months of waiting :/....Po dvoch tyzdnoch BJJ som spadol z bajku a zlomil si zapastie...nasledovalo 6 mesiacov cakania

My sucessfull low single from last week. I even have a full 5 minutes video, will post it soon :) / Moj uspesny single leg takedown z minuleho tyzna :) Mam cele video, dufam ze ho coskoro postnem :)

Mentioned Ido's video which changed my direction again/ Spominane druhe Idove video, ktore zasa zmenilo moje sportove smerovanie.

Stage VI. -???

Well, as you can see, I'm changing my main sport pretty often. So what's next? Honestly, I dunno. But I really really hope I'll stick with BJJ for many many upcoming years!! :) I love change and constantly learning but it sucks that with every change, there's less and less time for the other activities. Mainly because change doesn't mean I stop doing the previous ones...Means I still try to lift, do calisthenics, handstands, slack etc...not as often as before, but I do.

Co je dalsie?

Ako ste si asi vsimli, menim moje sportove zameranie relativne casto. Co je teda dalsie? Hm, neviem...popravde vsak ale dufam, ze pri BJJ ostanem este vela vela rokov a nic sa menit nebude! :) Zmenu a vkuse skusat nove veci ma ultrabavi, no co je na tom najhorsie je, ze s kazdou zmenou mam na predchadzajuce veci menej casu. To ze zacnem s niecim novym neznamena, ze na tie predchadzajuce veci sa uplne vybodnem..stale ich robim, len menej.

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [My 3 months in Pakistan #4] Lahore - traffic, cuisine, city & Badshahi mosque
  2. Humans, sports and self-esteem
  3. Im enjoying my time abroad but hey...Slovakia is beautiful too!
  4. [Podcast quick facts #3] Joe Rogan Experience - "Big" John McCarthy
  5. My street + playing around with background compression
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