Sports, humans, self-esteem (and arousal) / Sport, ludska rasa a sebavedomie


Hey there, weekly topic in my native #cesky tag is sports. And I loove sports! I have literally zero time so basically all posts this week are causing me sleeping less than 6hours a night :/ But whatever, this topic is just too good to skip it.

This post will be shorter but next two will talk about my sports history & then I'll show you all my sports equipment I've managed to collect over years haha :D

Stupid meatheads they are..

Such were always my thoughts when I've seen someone talking about working out or something related to fitness. It wasn't at all agains other team sports or ball games. I always like those....but cultivating body, eating healty and having high self-esteem because of my big muscles or because I can beat you up? They are all stupid, I thought!


Cavte, v prvom rade musim pochvalit @jirka-orlova za vyber temy. Fakt super! Tento tyzden nemam na Steemit fakt ziaden cas, cize kazdy jeden post co napisem sposobi redukciu mojho spanku pod 6hodin na noc. Ale tema je proste az moc dobra aby som ju vynechal :)

Tento post bude kratsi, no v dalsich dvoch budem rozpravat o mojej sportovej historii a vyvoji a v druhom predstavim moje sportove pomocky co som za tie roky nazhromazil :D

Su to len hlupi bezkrcnici

To som si vzdy hovoril o ludoch, ktori maju ocividne vacsie sebavedomie lebo cvicia alebo sa vedia bit. Nikdy som nemal taky postoj ku loptovym hram. Vzdy to bolo len o tych...telo zveladujucich aktivitach, zdravom stravovani a vseobecnom sebavedomi len kvoli tomu, ze ma niekto velke svaly alebo moze niekoho zbit.

Image source


After the whole change took place (I'mma talk about it in the next post), now I'm the one being proud of my pullup count, my healthy lifestyle and the fact I might (hopefully) stand a chance in some street fight encounter agains some drunk fuck....

Humans are animals!

Many people (me including for many years) try to bring intelligence into this. "Why does he feel better just because he could beat me up or he has bigger muscles? I'm smarter then him in other areas..." Well, we're animals and that's why. Over time, as I was watching myself transform, I've realized it really is what's left in us, humans, from animal world. Being physically stronger just gives us confidence while being smarter doesn't necessarily have the same effect. There's no reason to find such act something stupid or primitive.

If we see someone good looking on the street and we feel attracted towards that person, we don't find it stupid. And that's also 100% based on our animal insticts. So why self-esteem build on the same animal-ish instincts is often saw as something unintelligent?

Thanks for reading!


Po tom co u mna prebehla sportova zmena (o tej napisem nabuduce), zrazu som ja ten, ktory je ultra hrdy na pocet zhybov, ktore dokazem spravit, moje zdrave stravovanie alebo to, ze by som sa na ulici (dufam) vedel obranit.

Ludia su zvierata

Vela ludi (a v minulosti aj ja) pri tejto teme poukazuju na inteligenciu. "Preco sa niekto citi odo mna lepsi, len preto ze je vacsi alebo by ma mohol zmlatit? Ja som predsa lepsi v inych veciach..." To je sice pekne, ale ludia su taktiez zvierata. Tento alpha pocit je podla mna to, co sa u nas zachovalo z nasej zvieracej minulosti. Byt fyzicky zdatny nam dodava "zvieracie" sebavedomie zatial co bytie mudrejsim nema vzdy rovnaky efekt. Prestal som ale takyto jav povazovat za prejav hluposti dotycnej osoby. Je to proste prirodzene..

Ked na ulici zbadame atraktivnu osobu, pritahuje nas. Toto za primitivne nepovazujeme a taktiez to prameni zo zvieracich instinktov. Preco by sme teda mali nad sebavedomim pochadzajucom z rovnakeho zdroja ohrnat nos, smiat sa z neho a povazovat ho za prejav stupidity?

Dik za precitanie!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [My 3 months in Pakistan #4] Lahore - traffic, cuisine, city & Badshahi mosque
  2. Im enjoying my time abroad but hey...Slovakia is beautiful too!
  3. [Podcast quick facts #3] Joe Rogan Experience - "Big" John McCarthy
  4. My street + playing around with background compression
  5. I know Jack Shit about photography ... aka My first "photoshoot"
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