Driving Through Snow in Japan & BB E’s First Snow Encounter


Hi Steemians,

I’m currently in a tropical place and was thinking before the trip what if I’ve been put back to a place much cooler than where I am. This bought back memories on our Japan trip 6 months ago when we suddenly encountered snow which I was trying hard to avoid as I don’t want to the kids to be in such cold climate. As we were leaving Hida, the weather turned and it suddenly started to snow!

As many of you may know, my husband and I love snowboarding but we have yet taken the kids to the snows because they are too young. So this is officially the first time Baby E have seen and stepped on snow. Baby M was asleep in the car most of the time but he did see it when we took them into a pit stop as the snow was getting too much for us to continue driving.

I have written a few articles on Steemit about driving in Japan but like in all countries, please take care when driving in snow conditions as it is dangerous if you don’t have the right tyres and driving speed.

Hope you like the video especially seeing Baby E stepping on snow for the first time!

大家好!斐濟每天都非常熱但去旅行之前我想到如果這次是到一個很冷的地方會是怎麼樣。那這個時候我們上次到日本的旅程沒有想到會看見落雪的情景。大家都知道我跟爸爸 E 都非常喜歡單板滑雪但到日本之前都沒有帶過兩個小孩到雪山因為我覺兩年紀太小會太冷。

這次看到雪是剛剛離開飛騨市的時候看到的也是第一次 BB E 看到雪。BB M 因為一開車就睡了所以大部分的時間都沒有看到除了帶他們到休息站的時候就看到。

我在 Steemit 上分享過幾次在日本開車的文章但其實到哪裡開車都一樣,下雪的時候一定要安全,要有適當的輪胎和安全的速度就最好的。

希望大家喜歡今天的視頻尤其是看到 BB E 第一次看雪的情況

Travelgirl pic.jpeg

!steemitworldmap 36.2383329 lat 137.1936967 long d3scr

Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me. There will be more exciting posts & destinations to come.

謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 👍. 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos & videos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted. 每張相片和視頻都是我們自己拍的 📷

Below are some of my previous posts:

Fratelli Fresh @ Crows Nest, Sydney

Nubo Play Centre @ Chatswood, Sydney

[Dlive Exclusive Interview] Travelgirl Interviews Suerisue - Thailand Model & Actress

Travelgirl’s Mother’s Day 2018

Japanese Facial Mask Review - Arale from Dr Slump

Traveling the World with Travelgirl - Fiji Special

Travelgirl's Diary [14] - Travelgirl 的日記 [14]

New Shanghai Restaurant @ Chatswood, Sydney - 新上海 @ Chatswood, 悉尼

Travelgirl's Diary [13] - Travelgirl 的日記 [13]

Steemit Meetup in Sydney - Bavarian Bier Cafe @ Sydney, Australia

Museum of Contemporary Art @ Sydney, Australia (Part 2)

Museum of Contemporary Art @ Sydney, Australia

Traveling the World #96 (Australia Series) Carnarvon Bay, Tasmania

The Rocks Markets @ Sydney, Australia | The Rocks 市場 @ 悉尼, 澳洲

Food Sharing #28 - Golden Century @ Sydney, Australia - 今天吃什麼 #28 金唐 @ 悉尼, 澳洲

Cooking with Travelgirl - Fish, Tomatoes & Tofu Soup | Travelgirl 廚房 - 豆腐番茄魚湯

Answers to Ten facts one lie challenge @Travelgirl + Costco Giveaway

Travelgirl's Diary [12] - Travelgirl 的日記 [12]

My video is at DLive

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