Dream Diary 24th & 25th September 2017

Hello again Steemit,

As you know I have been sharing my dreams and I have a couple more to tell you about. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I do sharing them.

Sunday 24th September 2017

I had a dream about being in my husbands mums kitchen. We were talking about what it was like when I found out about my ex husband cheating. My mum was there too. I was letting it all out about the feelings I had encountered. All the hate and the anger and why I was treated the way I was when I hadn’t done anything wrong. My now husbands mum wasn't having any of it. She was saying it could’t have been that bad. She said she had been on an hrs training course learning to forgive, forget and that people do things for a reason. 'Well of course people do things for a reason, especially if you are lowlife scum!!’ My mum had my back all the way, explaining what I had been through as she went trough it with me. After a heated argument between myself, my mum and his mum, I said to his mum ’Maybe you will understand what it was like as I’m leaving and never coming back’. I got in my car and drove back to my mum and dads old house. Once I was there I went into the bathroom. The bathroom was suite was peach. It had white and peach flowery tiles and a thick peachy carpeted floor. In the middle of the wall was a huge mirror. About 1 metre squared that was situated above the sink. I stood in front of the large mirror and collected my thoughts. Why would she speak to me like that? Why would she say such horrible things knowing how hurt I was on both the inside and the outside?? I just stared blankly into the mirror with red wide eyes, silent.

Monday 25th September 2017

Last night i had a dream about my friends wedding. She is getting married for real on the 31st December 2017. I dreamed she had ordered her veil from a social media site. I don’t know whether the company had gone bust or they just decided not so sell anymore. My friend went absolutely bananas!! She is a very hot headed woman and certainly has a lot to say for herself. I tried to help her out by saying she could borrow my veil for her wedding. She turned into a right Bridezilla! Cursing, stomping around and having a right hissy fit! I thought to myself You try and do something nice and you are still the one that’s in the wrong. Why bother? I then found myself at a country estate. It was surrounded by beautiful greenery. The kind of place where Pride & Prejudice was set. There were old fashioned cars everywhere. I saw two brides and their bridesmaids. The brides were wearing vintage lace dresses in ivory and the bridesmaids were wearing navy blue strapless gowns with a brown sash round the waist. I came across a market stall with the bride to be. Firstly my friend was in a wedding gown with butterflies on it. We saw a leather bikers jacket with butterflies on it too and she put it on over her dress. Then we saw another stall that was selling netting. There was a waist length veil in white that was hanging up, but it looked like it was cheaply made out of a net curtain. We could’t find a veil for her and in the end she took me up on my offer and decided she was going to wear my veil after all. My dream then moved to a barn. There were wooden tables everywhere and this is where my friend was going to get married that same day. I had a bottle of champagne clutched in my hand. My brother was sat on the first table where I was going to be sitting. He took my bottle and poured himself a drink. He then said he was drinking for all the singletons as he felt sorry for them.

I then had a second dream last night. I dreamt I was in Brighton ’Capital of the Gay Community’. I was out on the seafront and I decided I wanted to stop somewhere for a drink. I ended up in a flat. It was very dark in there. There was barely any lighting and the walls were painted black. There were quite a few rooms that were tiny and they were crammed full of stuff and people. I went into one room and I saw a box full of sex toys and they were covered in sand! I daren’t touch them! I went into another room and there were loads of women in PVC gear with a tonne of make up on. One of the ladies told me not to be such a prude!! Prude? Moi? - I’m the most open minded person you can get!

There we have it Steemers. My dreams from the past two nights. Weird or what???

If you liked reading about my dreams, why not have a read of these

Dream - 20/9/2017
Dream - 21/9/2017
Dream - 22/9/2017
Dream - 26/9/2017
Dream - 27/9/2017

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