Dream Diary 26th & 27th September 2017

Following on from my previous dream diary Dream Diary 24th & 25th September 2017 I have another couple more to share with you.

Illustration by Oana Befort

I just want to begin with a conversation I had with my friend yesterday before I tell you about my dreams. We were having a girly chat about weight loss, TV from the night before, period pains, fast food and desserts. We both are committed to losing weight as well as enjoying ourselves with sweets too. We both love our food! Later on that day I contacted her to say I felt like crap. She asked me what was wrong. I didn’t have an answer for her, I didn’t know myself. I was telling her I had a worried, sick feeling in my stomach. I didn’t know if it was anxiety, was it too much coffee?? I did mention in the morning I thought I have put too many heaped teaspoons in my cuppa. She said it could be the coffee or maybe it was due to Aunt Flo showing up unexpectedly. I was brushing my teeth last night before bed time and it hit me like a brick! I knew why I had been feeling so strange. The images came flooding back. It was to do with my dream!!

Tuesday 26th September 2017

I have mentioned recently about my 92 year old granny and that she is in hospital. This dream is about her. First of all I was dreaming about weight loss. Then I thought to myself ’Why do all fat people have such small noses?’ My granny popped into my head. Why would I have such a thought??? She is my granny for God sake! I love her very much. She is a bigger person, granted. She doesn’t have a big nose though!!

Then I had another dream about my granny. I was in my mum and dads house standing in their living room in front of the TV. It was late at night. I just remember the lights being on in the house and outside was very dark. Pitch black. I remember the street lights glowing an orange colour. My granny was standing in the hallway and it was time for me to say goodbye to her for the very last time. There was a taxi waiting outside to take her away. I don’t know where she was going. I just knew I wouldn’t see her again… ever! We were saying our goodbyes and I was telling her how much I love her and I didn’t want this to be the end. I didn’t want her to go. We hugged each other so tightly. As we parted and she left the house. I cried. It wasn’t just any cry. I was howling! I couldn’t stop.

Wednesday 27th September 2017

Firstly, I dreamed I was talking to mum about changing my hair colour. We weren’t just talking shades of hair colour. We were talking in numbers term. Did I want 6.35 Dark golden mahogany blonde? 6.32 Dark golden iridescent blonde? or 5.3 Light golden brown? I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do so I asked her to go to the beauty shop to choose and surprise me with a colour.

This is a random one. Next I dreamed about Britney Spears dancing. She was dancing in a room in a skyscraper. She had lots of different outfits. Well you wouldn’t expect anything less from Miss Spears! I don’t remember any other outfits, only this one. It was a navy blue, skin tight, shiny lycra cat suit. It had a long ’V’ cut from the neckline to just below her waist exposing that fabulous figure of hers! She was dancing around panes of glass that were situated everywhere. At the end of her routine she broke through the last pane. It was part of her act and it shattered everywhere! She had done a front somersault through the glass. I just remember her hands were cut and covered in blood.

Lastly, I dreamt I was walking around a garden centre. I came across these fat realistic bird ornaments. I saw robins, blue tits and grey tits. I had my eye on the grey tit. The ornament was as large as my head. It was a water feature. It sat on a deep silver tray. The bird would bob up and down collecting water in its mouth.

Final Thought

As I was collecting my dreams together for todays post, a very old dream popped into my head whilst I was in the shower. This one goes back to when I was 18 years old and I was getting prepared to start university in London. I had this dream about 2 weeks before my start date. I dreamt I was standing on the platform at a London Underground Station in Central London. I was on my way home. I saw a young boy, probably about 14 years old fall onto the tracks. I couldn’t see him. All I saw were bright orange sparks and I heard a crackling sound. The spark ran down the track under the tunnel. Then I heard Savage Garden’s song - Truly, Madly, Deeply. The images played over and over again in my head but in slow motion, still with the song playing. Made me scared about travelling on the Underground. I should’t be scared though. I had been travelling on it for as long as I could remember.

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