Hey there!
Easter = Rabbits, painted eggs and all that stuff... But here in Slovakia, we have couple of special and controversial customs on top of that:
Sounds like a lot of fun right? Well, at least for most of guys..
So why we actually do this
As weird as it sounds, it is said that it makes girls healthier and more beautiful. I do agree on cold water and its health benefits, not sure about the link between wihpping and beauty though. It's pretty controversial topic even here in Slovakia. A lot has been said annd written about the rights of women and rightfully so, this custom is slowly dying out.Making my traditional willow whip with grandfather
Despite that I don't find these customs particularly aligned with western society values, for the sake of keeping the tradition I visited my grandfather and we made a traditional willow whip as they used to in the past.Steps:
- Find 8 tiny willow branches (or find a granddad who finds 8 tiny willow branches)
- Tie the beginnings together and split them into two groups by 4
- Do some witchcraft like "Take the first one, between 2, switch hands, push it back and repeat"
- After 50 repetitions, just tie a knot and you're done
As my grandfather saw the "masterpiece" I've created, he went to his room and came back with 3 perfect whips and said with smile: "I had the feeling you probably didn't get much better since last year so I've done some for you in advance" :DThanks for reading! Martin
You can find my latest posts here:
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Mother tongue version
Cavte Cechoslovaci!
Vam samozrejme nebudem predstavovat nase zvlastne Velkonocne tradicie, no aspon Vam ukazem moju tradicnu navsevu u dedka a ako som sa uz asi piatykrat ucil pliest korbac :D
- Zozen si 8 vrbovych prutov...alebo si zozen dedka ktory ti zozenie 8 vrbovych prutov :)
- Zviaz pruty na zaciatku a rozdel ich na dve skupiny po 4
- Rob co vravi dedo a dufaj, ze to robis dobre: "Prvy medzi dva, vymen ruku, zatlac a naspat"
- Po 50 opakovaniach staci na konci spravit obycajny uzol zo vsetkych 8 prutov
Zmateny ja v suboji z prutmi :D
Ked dedo videl, ake "majstrovske dielo" som vytvoril, len potichu odisiel do svojej izby a vratil sa s troma perfektymi korbacmi a vetou: "Ja som aj tak trosku tusil, ze si sa od minuleho roka o moc nezlepsil" :DDik za precitanie! Martin
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