Dubai, Dhows & Disney: Happiness is also a street

While elected officials glibly vax eloquent about caring for the welfare of their constituents, there is a kingdom intentionally pursuing happiness for their people: Dubai & the UAE.
Continue reading about the story of Dubai the UAE & happiness in episode 5 of Dubai, Dhow & Disney.
 unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty 
 and the pursuit of happiness. 
 That to secure these rights, governments are instituted 
 among men, 
 United States Declaration of Independence
In this episode of Dubai, Dhows & Disney, we examine how the UAE is working out the pursuit of happiness.


Happiness Street runs through the Dubai World Trade Center & the Dubai International Financial Centre.


Happiness is a serious job for governments. The main job for the government is to create happiness.
UAE’s Minister of Happiness, Ohood Al Roumi

You will be quizzed about your with a service that you received from a government entity.


And the results speak for themselves.


The Happiness Agenda

The private sector has joined Smart Dubai's Happiness Agenda initiative.
Initially, 68 private entities have adopted Smart Dubai's Happiness Meter initiative to comply with the Happiness Agenda.


Happiness Agenda roadmap:

  • Policies & programmes to ensure that government entities are supplied with the necessary tools & appropriate support structures to effectively implement the happiness strategy.
  • Assist & support business to improve happiness.

Dubai's pursuit of happiness

Shk Mohammed at Ascot.

Happiness is championed by Shk Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, Vice President & Prime Minister of UAE & the ruler of Dubai.

Dubai Police

Dubai Police is eliminating the need for the suggestion box by taking feedback on happiness to the next level.


Maj-Gen Khamis meets the press. Ultimately promoted to Lt-Gen, Khamis Mattar passed away in November 2016.

The new smart system called the Pulse of Happiness rates the happiness, allows employees to express their satisfaction with the work environment, and helps us get their feedback and change anything that needs to be changed
Then Maj-Gen Khamis Mattar Al Mazeina, Dubai Police Chief.

Happiness today

What can be measured can be improved. Dubai regularly quantifies happiness.


What do you think?
For more of Dubai, sans cliche, sans hype, sans supercilious disdain, watch episode 1, episode 2 episode 3 & episode 4

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