Final - Part iV: What's Up With School, Anyway? Empowering a New Generation

Blessed are we with another day.  

What will we do with it?  

How will we make a difference?

Everyday I get to play with children. 

Everyday I get to see the world through their eyes.  

Children are one of the purest reflections of ourselves, 

and they show us where and who we really are. 

So everyday I get to reconsider my thoughts and beliefs, 

my values and how I interact with the world I have created.  


If we can tune into what children have to share, 

we can find new pathways to engage in a life of joy, 

unencumbered by the biases and limitations we have picked up along the way. 

Children bring a fresh perspective.  

If we can find it within ourselves to stay out of their way, 

and instead of trying to get them to fit into our already dysfunctional world, 

we can gain great insight into new, more empowered and spirit filled ways.  

I wrote this series to bring to light the "normal" things we do to children that are all based on "the way things are", and provide some solutions on how we can make change within ourselves that will give rise to a freer, more joyous life for the generations to come.  When children arrive on this planet, much of their life's plan is already laid out for them, just by being a part of this culture.  We really have no idea what a free child looks like, as they are indoctrinated with the ideas and beliefs of those around them.  As there are no pure examples readily available, it's difficult to fathom the possibilities.  I believe questioning everything is the only answer so we can tune into more enlightened and empowered perspectives, and that it is our duty and responsibility to put them into action by standing up and being the change.

This is the way I will invest my energy.  

This is one way I will make a difference today.

Please check out the beginning parts to this series:

What it would be like to be a FREE child--The Joys of Unlocking the Genius Within!

Part I: What's Up With School, Anyway? Insight into the game.

Part II:  What's Up With School Anyway?  How Children Aren't Meant to be Treated

Part III: What's Up With School, Anyway?  If There Should Be a School-What That Could Look Like and Imagining a Life of Freedom  

Final Part IV  Empowering a New Generation:

I hope to have inspired you to rethink the unsustainable "normal" life we provide for our children, and to search for the realization that we are the power in making change.  Let's lay down our ideas, all the shoulds, have-tos and musts we believe in, and observe the children.  

Let's set ourselves and the children FREE!

If you like this post, check out another one dedicated to the beauty of the life of a free child.

All the photographs here are my own original works.

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