Jiu jitsu, creativity and dreams...Why do I suddenly have these crazy-ass dreams?


Hey there, as some of you know, after 13 weeks long injury I've started training BJJ again. It's going relatively fine - means I'm getting my ass kicked on a daily basis. Nothing new, it was normal before as well...


Cavte, ako niektori z Vas mozno vedia, po 13 tyzdnovom zraneni som znova zacal s brazilskym jiu-jitsu. Vsetko ide docela vpohode - aka kazdy den dostavam na hubu. To nie je nic nove, dialo sa to aj predtym...

So what's new?

Well, intensity of my dreams just ramped up crazy. I don't know for how long has it been and if it was the case before injury as well, by mu dreams were pretty boring and often I didn't have any. And now, since I've started training last 2 weeks, my dreams are NUTS! Just this week in my dreams :
  • I was riding horse in the rain followed by 50meters high water wave
  • I was acrobat in a circus
  • Had my first MMA fight and hip-hop freestyle battle - in one event
And furthermore, I remember all the details. Could it be BJJ side effect? We know that BJJ requires besides other stuff a lot of creativity, thinking and quick decision making.

Tak co je teda nove?

Hm, intenzita mojich snov znicoho nic hrozne narastla. Pamatam, ze som v #tematydna sny pisal, ze moje sny zacinaju byt oproti minulosti nemastne-neslane. No a teraz, odkedy som zacal znova 2 tyzdne trenovat, su moje sny absolutne SIALENE :D Len za poslednych par dni som:
  • utekal na koni pred 50metrovou vlnou, ktora nicila vsetko co jej prislo do cesty
  • bol akrobat v cirkuse
  • mal svoj prvy MMA fight a hip-hop freestyle battle - v ten isty vecer
Ba co viac, pamatam si kazdy detail. Moze to byt sideeffect robenia BJJ? To samo o sebe okrem ineho vyzaduje kreativitu, rozmyslanie a pohotove reakcie a rozhodnutia.

Other possible causes

With the increased training intensity, I've also increased an intake of fish oil (cuz of omega3) and also ginko tablets. Could that be causing my crazy night adventures?

Thanks for reading!

Ine mozne zdvovodnenia

Zaroven toho ako som znova zacal kazdy den trenovat, zvysil som aj prijem rybieho oleja a ginka. Mohlo by eventualne nieco z toho sposobovat moje nocne dobrodruzstva?

Dik za precitanie!

Image sources: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5],

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