Weekly topic: 8 random (useless) pictures and their funny "behind the scenes" stories


Well, once again, weekly #cesky topic is here. And this time it's a great one. Random useless pictures!. It's coming from @mespanta and his series. I really like this idea and planned to post similar post anyway. :)

It's kinda weird choosing the pictures. Cuz there are soo many better ones, but they are already useful. And maybe even worth a separate post...so yeah, here are some of the useless ones:


Hah, zas a znova #tematydne. Tentokrat paradny napad s nepotrebnymi fotkami od @mespanta. Musim sa priznat, ze ten jeho napad som planoval uz dlhsie okopcit a podobny post postnut. :)

Je to docela divne, vyberat tie fotos s tym, ze musia byt zaujimave a zaroven nie az tak zaujimave. Cloven nachadza kopu super fotiek, ktore si zasluzia mozno aj vlastny post...a musi ich proste nechat lezat :D

Stella :) My neighbour here in Innsbruck.
Stella :) Susedka tu v Innsbrucku.

One of Austrian national theatres. Shot while riding a bike :D
Jedno z narodnych divadiel v Rakusku. Odfotene pocaj jazdy na bajku :D

Note board in typical student flat :) Everyone has his own pin and leaves it on the "map" to let others know where he is.
Typicka nastenka v studentskom byte. Pacilo sa mi vylepsienie s mapkou a pripinackami, aby ostatni vedeli, kam ste odisli.


When you get so drunk you accidentally steal the keys from the whole building :D And find out at 2pm next morning upon waking up. Of course they looked for them eeeverywhere at 8am :D Some people had to sleep there :D
Ked sa na segrinej stuzkovej tak zlejete, ze nechtiach ukradnete kluce od celeho kulturaku :D A zistite o tom az dalsi den o 2hej ked sa zobudite. Samozrejme, ze o 8mej tam prehladali kazdu kazducicku miestnost :D Par deciek tam kvoli tomu muselo ostat spat


Typical austrian "Gasthaus".
Typicky rakusky Gasthaus.

Overtraining/overworking is dangerous :D Working in restaurant at nights, taking classes in the morning, learning for exams in the afternoon and gym before next restaurant shift is probably just too much :D
Prepracovanie/pretrenovanie naozaj existuje :D Praca v restauracii po nociach, skola cez den, ucenie sa na skusky podvecer a sport pred dalsou sichtou v restauracii bolo proste na mna moc :D

Innsbruck winter is really cold :)
Zima v Innsbrucku je tuha :)

Perks of Austrian trains - cinema :D

Thanks for reading!

Vyhoda rakuskych vlakov - kino :D

Dik za precitanie!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. Visiting Hallstatt - beautiful tiny town on UNESCO herritage list with the oldest saltmine in the world!
  2. 7-Day Music Challenge: Your Top Albums - #4 Born In Babylon
  3. I have the most beautiful grannie EVER so where's the #familyphotography contest ????
  4. How I trained my "finger skills" as 16 year old ;)
  5. They say: "You have too see what you want to achieve!"...Hah here it's happening quite literally


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