There's Always A Next Time - Part 9


On december 2010, a man from Sidi Bouzid, one of the biggest cities in the south of Tunisia, burned himself in front of the local authority’s building as a sign of hopelessness. Maybe he didn't know it at that time. But his act started a campaign of manifestations in his city and then in several cities in the south of Tunisia. The government's reaction to these manifestations was extremely violent and caused the deaths of tens of citizens. That was of course an irreversible step. Few days after, people in the capital started joining the manifestations and calling for the whole "corrupt system" to go down. At that moment people started calling it a revolution. The first people to join it in Tunis were students in the university campus, where Ahmed's law university was.

Students kept gathering and protesting for few days but they couldn't leave the campus because of the huge number of officers who had strict orders not to let them out. But that couldn't contain the revolution. Videos from different protestations in different cities at the same time went public, mainly on facebook, and several organisations, syndicates and political parties announced their support to what's happening, especially the ones that were considered illegal at that time.

After few weeks The president escaped the country and there were no such thing as illegal parties or organisations. And that means that whoever was forced to escape the country because of his political opinion is allowed to come back. Of course there were no official announcement to confirm that, but that didn't stop Mr. Ali to take the risk and return to his country after being a refugee for six years. As soon as he made sure it was safe, he brought Lynda and his wife too.

The first few month in Tunisia were very busy and chaotic, Lynda got strongly engaged in the civic society and in politics. She tried so hard to convince her Palestinian fiance to come along with her to tunisia and build their new life together. But when she had to choose between her country and her potential husband, Tunisia came first. Tunisia was so different from how she left it. Her old neighborhood is now ranked unsafe, she had new friends from london who left Tunisia for the same reason and came back at the same time as well. These were her new best friends.

She also tried to catch up with her old two best friends. Samir got hired by a youth hostel because he continued the business he was doing with Ahmed and Lynda. They stopped everything during Lynda's last year in Tunisia because her Hijab caused them much trouble with the police and any governmental organisation. When She went out and Ahmed started working with Mr. Hasan, he went back to the business but this time as a part of the youth castle staff. Ahmed Is still a law student but he's going to graduate as a lawyer in two years.

Their first meeting lasted for hours and hours, they just couldn't go home until it was really late and they agreed to meet in the next day. They talked about everything, Lynda's break up with her fiance, Samir's married life and Ahmed's projects of graduating and having Mr. Hasan as a partner instead of a boss as they agreed.

After several meetings, Lynda introduced Ahmed And Samir to her friends from London. When Samir told her about Ahmed’s feeling for her when they were young, Lynda decided to figure out if he still has them. She asked her girls friends, who were experts in this kind of subjects, to keep an eye on him and tell her what the can see.The result was positive, her friends were so sure he still loves her. So the question now is: What is she going to do about it.


Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part5|Part6|Part7|Part8

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