Elsie's View: A fifty-word short story

This is my 50-word short story for last week's writing prompt, lens. Thank you to all the 50-worders who have contributed stories and supported one another with follows, comments and upvotes. It's amazing to see the work that is produced each week.

Elsie's View

(Image source: Pixabay image by kellepics)

Elsie stepped quietly out the door into the night. The nearest town was five miles. She would keep to the ditches, shrubs and furrows, ready to find cover if he came after her. The bruises would heal, but could she see her life through a new lens and be free?

Thank you for reading!

Here's my collection of 50-word stories:
Just a tree in a field
Nathan’s waterfall
A walk in the woods
The church mouse
The farmers' market
The tiny hunter
The map
Ghost fair
Departure from Castle Island
Conspirators and lies
Getting to know you
The man in hiding
Mermaid dreams
Time to say goodbye


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