LOVE LIKE HIS : Chapter 21 – A PRAYER FOR A FRIEND, & A PRAYER FOR AN ENEMY – An Original Story by @papa-pepper


When Gary had dropped Ray off after the library, Ray had definitely calmed down a bit, but he was more or less a wreck. This whole situation with the detective was really getting to him.

If Cromwell was willing to kill them over it, then perhaps Ray’s reaction to the situation was valid.

However, Ray was a believer now, and death was inevitable anyway. Whether Cromwell got to them or not, soon both of them would be dead anyway. From there, the options were limited.

In Gary’s opinion, Ray just need a more eternal perspective.

It was that thought that Gary was contemplating now. Yes, Ray was still a younger believer, but not having the proper view of the situation was eating him up inside, and, if left un-remedied, it would soon begin to take its toll on Ray’s physical health.

Of course, Cromwell also needed to have a better perspective on things, but Gary knows that his own influence is extremely limited, so he bows his head to pray.

“Lord, I have no idea what we’ve gotten ourselves here, but I know that You have allowed and somehow You can use it. O must admit, I’m pretty concerned about what is going on right now too, but mostly I’m concerned about Ray… and Detective Cromwell.”

“Father, please draw Ray ever closer unto Yourself right now, and comfort him in this desperate time. He needs Your help and Your peace, or this will really start to eat him up. I know that he’s younger in the faith than some others, but help him to see things properly, so that he can have the proper perspective on things.”

“As I look back and reflect on our history together, I can’t believe what You’ve already done. You know that Julia meant the world to me, and I was so eagerly looking forward to our future together. Yet, in one brief moment all that was taken away from me, Lord, and you have helped me to cope with that situation incredibly well.”

“You know that I desired to give up and call it quits, but You reminded me that You have left me here because You still have plans and purposes for me upon this earth. I thank You for helping me to forgive Ray, and not only to forgive him, but to befriend and love him too.”

“I cry out to You now on his behalf, Lord, please take this burden from him. Help him not to fear, but to trust in You, and to be overwhelmed by Your peace, Father.”

“I also lift up Detective Cromwell to you.”

“I know some of what he’s been through, but You know it all. He too lost his wife, and a child. My heart breaks as I see how he has attempted to cope with the situation.”

“Father, this too You can use and work together for good. Please, be drawing him unto Yourself now and working in this situation. I know that You already are.”

“We both know that Cromwell needs You, and he needs to be forgiven. He’s destroying his own life by rejecting You, and will soon wind up destroying his eternal soul too.”

“Lord, I fear that his time is running out, as he can’t keep living his life this way.”

Gary pauses, and reflects on the occurrences from the past week.

“Please Lord, forgive him for all of his inappropriate actions too, and for putting the gun against my head and threatening to kill me. I know what would have happened to me if he had actually went through with it, but I fear for what would have happened to him.”

“I thank you, Lord, and ask that you watch over and protect us all this weekend, and help Ray to do a good job when he starts his job on Monday. Thank you, Father. Amen.”

Gary rises and walks to the front window.

He doesn’t expect to see Cromwell, and really isn’t thinking about what he’s doing.

Yet, there he is, peeping out from in-between the blinds like he’s paranoid.

“Hopefully Ray will be able to sleep well tonight,” Gary thinks as he turns out the living room light and heads back towards his bedroom.




(I didn't have any lights....)

Thank you, and stay tuned for LOVE, LIKE HIS : Chapter 22 - Coming soon to a steemit near you

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Awesome Handcrafted @papa-pepper logo kindly donated by @vlad - Thank you!

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