The Night Gods II- Chapter XIII: Inauguration

Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With many thanks!

[This was a very difficult chapter for me to write... I had to relive some very painful childhood memories and I threw up while writing it. I almost scrapped the whole project.]

The inauguration of Alan Denning was as uninspiring as the election... as politicians do it was clear that Alan Denning is no John F. Kennedy. Although his mandate may be questionable, his resolve was not. Denning was already thinking about a legacy and the one thing that would ensure a memorable legacy is a crisis... nothing raised the patriotic fervor of the American people more than a discernable enemy- and Denning was determined to provide one. If one didn't arise on its own during the 100 day grace period, he would create one. to accomplish this, he needed just the right Cabinet.

he had moved into the White House and made himself comfortable in the West Wing. Maureen would have provided a woman's touch, but her sacrifice was necessary as far as Denning was concerned. He was also glad she was out of the way- it made "entertaining" easier. He called Przybysz, who had been appointed to Senior White House Advisor- that would keep him at Denning's beck and call without arousing any suspicions. It was time for a diversion...

"Hey, I was on my way to see you when my phone rang Chief," Przybysz came in carrying a minila envelope under his arm.

"Don't call me that, I'm not a fucking Indian," Denning shot back. "What's that you've got?"

"Ah," Przybysz said retrieving the envelope, "from Lockhart- some suggestion for cabinet appointments."

Denning took the envelope and threw it carelessly on the desk. "I have need of your services... your other services."

"Don't you think you should at least look in the envelope?" he asked.

"Time for that later- I need a girl." Denning said.

"Any particular type... size, shape?" Przybysz grinned.

"I don't care- young, pretty..." Denning returned. It had been awhile- now that he was president it was unthinkable to visit his usual girl. he had contemplated having her come to him, but a girl of that sort coming to the White House...

"You need a wife Denning, that's what you need," Przybysz said. "It would look better too- folks don't trust an unmarried president."

"I'm still in mourning," Denning laughed. "Besides, who would I marry- one of those Washington power cunts? They all have a stick up their ass."

"Hmm, a stick up their ass- sounds right up your alley, Boss," Przybysz chuckled. "I know- how about Madonna... or Courtney Love, she sounds just your style," Przybysz laughed uncontrollably.

"Very funny," Denning said sarcastically. "Why are you still here- I thought you have a job to do."

"Right away, your majesty," Przybysz made a mock bow and was gone.

The girl was young, she didn't look much more than 10... dirty blonde hair with a faint smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose She had pale blue eyes that were full of fear. Her breasts were mere buds barely making lumps in her t-shirt. She looked like something from a refugee documentary... Bosnia or somewhere like that. It was the fear in her eyes that were her most prominent feature however.

"My God Przybysz," Denning exclaimed when he saw her. "How old is she?"

"I don't know... you said young," he said defensively.

Well," Denning replied. "I guess she'll have to do."

Przybysz took this as his cue to depart so he did. When he had gone Denning turned to the frightened girl: Don't be afraid, honey. I'm not going to hurt you. How old are you?"

"I twelve year- almos," she said, her English broken. She had an accent that sounded like she was Eastern European.

"Do you speak English, baby? Where are you from?" Denning asked gently.

"I learn at the school in Ukraine." She was beginning to relax a little, the fear in her eyes turning to bewilderment. She looked around apprehensively.

"What's your name?" Denning asked.

"Ksenya," she replied.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked.

"Mr. President," she smiled.

"That's right, honey," he smiled. "Come sit here with me."

the girl sat next to Denning on the sofa folding her small hands in her lap. She was dwarfed next to the ex-football player.

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

She shook her head- she wanted badly to leave, the fear was returning. Denning put his arm around her frail shoulders pulling her closer. She tried to move away but he was much larger and stronger.

"Don't you know why they brought you here?" Denning asked.

she shook her head no... "They no tell me," she stammered. Denning cursed Przybysz under his breath.

Denning was wearing only his robe and slippers. he picked the girl up and set her on his lap. She began to squirm trying to get away and he held her more firmly, rubbing her small breasts with his palm. She struggled harder to get away, her eyes full of terror now. Denning threw her face down on the sofa, pulling her arms behind her back. Pulling the sash from his robe, he fastened her arms securely behind her back. Turning her onto her back, he yanked her thin yoga pants down and off over her tennis shoes exposing her nakedness... she had barely reached puberty.

She stared up at him in abject terror... it excited him all the more. He was erect now and he would have her virginity. She screamed as he entered her and he could feel the warm moisture of her blood. He slapped her and she began to moan in pain. Not satisfied, he turned her onto her face entering her tender backside. She screamed louder and began struggling wildly. Denning slapped her again but the screams only became louder and more intense. He snatched her up by her hair and punched the side of her head. She went down hard striking her head against the side of a heavy wooden end table. A trickle of blood appeared from her nose. Her eyes opened wide in surprise and then glazed over. She lay still.

Denning was in a panic. He took the sash and tied his robe around him. he picked up his phone and called Przybysz: 'Get in here now!"

Przybysz came into the room looking around, There was a Secret Service agent with him and Denning pointed at the door. Przybysz directed the officer out of the room, then he saw the lifeless form of the girl.

"it was an accident," Denning pleaded.

Przybysz looked hard at Denning, unmasked hatred in his eyes. "She was just a kid... a baby," he said.

"You knew what you were bringing her here for." Denning was beginning to recover his composure now.

Przybysz looked down at the tiny naked form on the floor, covered in her own blood. He had to fight back the urge to charge at Denning and throttle him. He was the president. Swallowing hard, he said: Get me a fucking blanket or something."

Denning obliged. "What are you going to do?" he asked.

"What the fuck do you care... I'm going to clean up your fucking mess," Przybysz spat back. "This is it... no fucking more!"

"We'll see," Denning said. "I am the fucking president and you work for me."

We'll see for how fucking long, Przybysz thought to himself. He wrapped the dead child gently in the blanket and left.

Denning mixed himself a drink and sat on the sofa, careful to avoid the stain left by the dead girl's blood. He sipped his drink thinking, but there was no remorse... the rush of fear he initially felt exhilarated him. he felt more alive than he had in years. Closing his eyes, he began to replay the scenario in his mind. The image of the life leaving the girl's eyes excited him... A monster was born.


GIF by @papa-pepper


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