Edible Medicines of the Magi Ep. 1 [How to make a powerful medicine soup with chicken and vegetables][Probiotic soup]

Welcome to Ypyskypo Skwyrl's first episode of Edibile Medicines of the Magi! Today I am making a chicken and vegetable soup, using most of the produce that I gathered the other day using my Hack the System technique, a chicken stock I made from scratch over a 10 hour prep time, and left over chicken from a slow baked chicken I made and froze for later use.

Let Thy Food Be Thine Medicine.

Begin by gathering all of your ingredients and preparing anything necessary for your soup. I do not measure anything and have no recipes that I follow set in stone. Everything I make is eyeballed and combined in my head to create wonderfully delicious meals that also double as a strong medicine. Be sure to keep a bag or container nearby so that you can save all of your vegetable ends to be frozen and used for home-made soup stocks at a later date.

2 Bunches of Carrots with tops
2 Baby Bok Choy
1 Zucchini
1 Bunch of Green Onions
1 Leek
1 Jar home-made and frozen chicken
1 Jar home-made chicken stock
Spices to taste

After gathering your items, start out chopping your carrots. Once you have finished chopping the carrots into bite size chunks, add the chicken stock and carrots to a large pot. Fill with water until 3/4 full (or if you like less/more broth all you need is enough room to add all of the ingredients and keep submerged while boiling).

Set the pot on the burner on high to bring the contents to a heavy boil.

Reduce heat to medium and boil carrots for 30 minutes.

While carrots are boiling, continue preparing the rest of your vegetables. I don't have a specific way or size that I chop each item up, I just make them bite size.

When chopping up the carrot tops, be sure to look for any that are dead or rotting and remove them so that they are not a part of your soup.

At 30 minutes you can now add the rest of your ingredients. I add all of my vegetables at once and then add the chicken in last. I've found this keeps the integrity of the chicken the best, otherwise it turns into thin strips that are almost nonexistent.

Here is when I add all of my spices, except for salt and turmeric which I add in each individual bowl I make from the mass. The reason behind this is that salt preserves fats from being broken down, and I use a varying amount of salt depending on my daily activities and the need of Sodium within my body; and the turmeric causes all of the fats to clump together, making it difficult to spread it evenly through each bowl, and it sticks to the sides of the pot where you lose a lot of the fats. The fats are what heals the gut lining and are extremely important in the medicine.

Boil on medium-low heat for 15 minutes.

Reduce heat and serve!

When I serve each bowl, I add a lot more to it. The common ingredients that I add are as follows: spicy kimchi, home fermented sauerkraut, raw egg-yolk, home made THC-A abundant cannabis coconut oil (THC-A is inactivated THC, which is not psychoactive and has much more medicinal benefits), ghee, home fermented yogurt, pink Himalayan salt, && turmeric.

In the bowl pictured at the top of the page I have added the following: yogurt, medicated coconut oil, kimchi, sauerkraut, raw egg yolk, salt, && turmeric. These additions are what cause the color differentiation.

I focus very heavily on the destabilization of pathogenic gut flora and the re-establishment of healthy gut flora. When adding these beneficial microbes to your soups and other meals, be sure to allow the food to cool down to less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit so as not to have them all die off from exposure to heat.

I will be making posts about how to ferment yogurt, sauerkraut, and ketchup soon. Also be on the lookout for how to make your own ghee, a staple of the Indian diet.

Thank you for stopping through, may this help to heal your gut and your mind.


PALPABLE POPE Ypyskypo Skwyrl, the Y'sas
High Priest, Temple of Appled Thought
Alchemist for Trades

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