7 Grilled Cheese Recipes You Never Thought Of (But Wish You Had!) #FoodHolidays


What's the best way to follow National Cheese Fondue Day ??


Luckily, whoever is in charge of assigning dates to all of these super yummy delicious foods apparently agreed, because today is National Grilled Cheese Day !

By the way, if any of you got the memo about voting for these holidays to come into being, let me know. I certainly did NOT, and I am rather offended for being left out.

Source: Giphy

Seriously though, who doesn't like grilled cheese?

I don't know anyone from the ages of 8-80 that would pass up a steaming hot pull-apart-and- burn-your-mouth-because-you-can't-be-bothered-with-waiting-for-it-to-cool-down hot lava delicious king of sandwiches.

When we think of grilled cheese, most of us will picture the typical one we all grew up with, which is two pieces of white bread slathered with butter and tanned on both sides to perfection with a slice (or two if you were lucky!) of yellow cheese melted in the middle.

Source: Giphy

While there definitely nothing wrong with that image, there are soooooooooo many ways to create other heavenly, melt-in-your-mouth gooey goodness.

And aren't you the lucky duck, because your horizons are about ready to be broadened!

To put it into perspective exactly how much pride people take in making unique grilled cheese, the Grilled Cheese Academy (yes, there is such a thing!) has a nationwide grilled cheese contest.

I cannot make this stuff up.

They take it pretty damn seriously, too, as there are four different categories and $40,000 in prizes.


I may have to re-evaluate my life.

Anyway, I have found some that would make pretty good contenders, if I do say so myself.

Without further ado, here are 7 grilled cheese recipes you are gonna want ASAP:

1 - Apple Cheddar Grilled Cheese

Source: i am a food blog

For the first choice, I am going with a mash-up that is becoming more popular.

You may think it's strange at first glance, but I assure you, if you have not had cheese with apples, you're missing out.

Personally, I have not had mustard on mine as this blogger recommends. I would also suggest using Granny Smith as the apple. It has a tartness that complements cheddar cheese well and holds up under heat, which is why they're a favorite for apple pies. I'd also use a nice thick slice of the cheddar cheese instead of shredded, but that's just a personal preference. You do you.

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2 - Maple Bacon Grilled Cheese Recipe

Source: The Manual

Grilled cheese is perfection in and of itself.

However, you slap a few nice thick pieces of bacon between those slices of bread and cheese and you have a culinary arts creation worthy of four Michelin stars.

Bacon. 'Nuff said. 🥓

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3 - Egg-in-the-Hole Grilled Cheese

Source: Self

If anyone tells you that grilled cheese is not for breakfast, just walk away.

You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

This recipe proves that this sandwich is good any time of day. Switch up the morning and get both your protein and cheese fix with this delicious combination.

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4 - Green Grilled Cheese

Source: Happy Healthy Mama

Now this sounds like something I would try to sneak past my daughter back in the day.

If you're a mom (or dad!) that struggles to get your kids to eat vegetables like many parents do, you are likely always looking for creative ways to sneak them in.

My daughter was not bad with a lot of vegetables, but spinach was definitely not her thing so I wish I would've thought of this.

No worries, though, I used to put a handful or two of the fresh stuff in her morning smoothies and she was none the wiser until years later. 😉

She's in college now, so I guess I'll just have to make this for me and the man. Oh darn.

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5 - Brie and Peach Grilled Cheese

Source: The Daily Meal

We've already had the apple and cheddar, so let's try another fruit, shall we?

This recipe combines the sweetness of peaches with the nutty creaminess of Brie and sets it off with Thai chile sauce.

Hannah Hoskins brings us this Chrissy Teigen recipe that I can imagine is an explosion of flavor for your taste buds.

Hmmm...I bet smoked Brie would be pretty spectacular too. 🤔

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6 - Five Ingredient Spinach, White Bean, and Parmesan Grilled Cheese

Source: Self

I must admit, I'm intrigued by this recipe.

After all, one of the last things I have ever considered putting on my grilled cheese is beans.

Maybe I'm the only one?

At any rate, this sounds just interesting enough to try!

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7 - Baker's Dozen Grilled Cheese

Source: On Safari Foods

Ok so to be honest, this recipe is actually called 'Our Favorite Grilled Cheese Recipe,' and they say it's the best grilled cheese recipe you’ve ever tried at home.

I just had to change the name and make it baker's dozen for the purpose of this post, because it has 13 ingredients.

And takes an hour!!!

Now I don't know about you, but when I want grilled cheese, I want it now!!

That being said, I love trying out unusual recipes so of course, I'm going to have to try this one.

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Don't those look scrumptious?

Personally, I usually make mine fairly normal. Sometimes I'll throw some sliced tomato or pickles in there, but otherwise when the craving hits it is just a 'normal' grilled cheese.

What about you? What's your favorite style?

Have you had any like those on the list? If you have or saw one that you're dyin' to try, let me know.

Or if you have a signature grilled cheese, I'd love to hear about it in the comments!

I am super hungry now.

I hope I have cheese. 🧀

That's all for today. Did you enjoy it? Are ya hungry? If so, my job is done. 😊

If you liked it, please show it some love. 💛

And if you are like me and enjoy useless knowledge that gives you a reason to celebrate 🎉 everyday like crazy food holidays do, hit that follow button under my name or @ambrosial.

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