What Does Mad Men and April 11th Have in Common? 5 Gooey Recipes, That's What.

National Cheese Fondue Day

I'm sitting here doing a Netflix marathon of Mad Men (because I'm one of the few people who didn't watch it while it was actually on!), and I happen to be on the opening episode of season six.

Which is kinda funny, because you know what today is, right?

No? I'm the only odd one? Well then...

Source: Giphy

Ok, moving on...

April 11th is National Cheese Fondue Day.

So why is that funny?

In this episode, Don and his lovely French wife are having a get-together with their neighbors for New Year's Eve. As one of the ladies shamelessly hits on Don in front of his wife and her husband, guess what they are snacking on?

Yup, cheese fondue.

Talk about perfect timing. I just love it when the stars align, don't you?

Anyway, I've been trying to figure out a way to have a constant stream of content to write about on here when my words elude me, and I thought to myself, "self, this could work!"

See, once upon a time, I had a site dedicated to all of the weird holidays of the world, particularly of food holidays.

So I thought what the hell, I would see if anyone on here cares.

And if a Netflix marathon in the background as I write content for someone else aligning with the actual food holiday it is today isn't a sign, well then, I just don't believe in signs anymore.😏

Besides, what better day to start on than one all about cheese!

I don't know about you, but I cannot get enough ooey, gooey goodness. I can put cheese on almost anything. Eggs? Throw some cheese on it. Burgers? Throw some cheese on it. Fries? Throw some cheese on 'em.

You get the idea.

Unfortunately, my fondue set went wherever everything else I owned did when it was stolen. (That's a post for another day.) Because of this unlucky situation, I cannot whip some up to tantalize you with pictures and a delightful recipe.

What I can do, is bring you some of the best cheese fondue recipes I've found.

Which is even better. Because you know, choices.

What is Fondue?

Source: Giphy

First off, if you don't know what fondue is, then you are missing out. Since Wikipedia is smarter than me most of the time, I'll let them explain:

Fondue is a Swiss dish of melted cheese served in a communal pot over a portable stove heated with a candle or spirit lamp, and eaten by dipping bread into the cheese using long-stemmed forks. It was promoted as a Swiss national dish by the Swiss Cheese Union in the 1930s, and was popularized in North America in the 1960s.

These days, there are much easier ways than using a spirit lamp. Which is a good thing, because I don't even know what a spirit lamp is. If you would've asked me before this post, I would've likely guessed it had something to do with a sĂŠance.

Apparently, I would've been wrong.

Anyway, you can go to pretty much any department store and find all sorts of fondue sets. Some are electric, and some use heating elements such as your stove or a Sterno or something similar.

There are countless ways to create the fondue experience as well. You can simply melt cheese, or add some wine or cream, or get intricate with it. It helps to have a recipe, at least the first couple times. (No worries, I have you covered there!)

Once you figure out what type of dipping recipe you want to use, you can then figure out what dippers you want. After all, you aren't just going to be sitting around a pot with a spoon taking turns with your friends.

There are many choices, and experimentation is half the fun. Common accompaniments include bread and vegetables in a variety of forms, as well as other snacks. The Spruce has a wonderful list of the best dippers for cheese fondue if you want some ideas.

Now let's get to the yummy stuff. Here are some salivation-worthy recipes for you to try:

1 - Irish Whiskey Cheddar Fondue

1 - Irish Whiskey Cheese Fondue.jpg
Source: Little Things

You may think of beer first when you think of melted cheese, but Irish whiskey should be a near second.

Luckily, they know this over at Little Things.

They've shared a scrumptious recipe that goes together in a flash, which is especially good when you are enjoying the whiskey a little too much while you're making it!

Get the Recipe

2 - Cheese Fondue With Chipotle and Tequila

Cheese Fondue With Chipotle and Tequila
Source: The Daily Meal

I overindulged in tequila way too much when I was younger, so I usually don't seek it out.

However, it can be a great addition to many recipes, lending a unique twist that takes mundane to marvelous.

If you have never had it with cheese, it's a must try for fondue lovers and newbies alike. This recipe by Viviane Bauquet Farre is a good place to start.

Get the Recipe

3 - Porcini Cheese Fondue

Porcini Cheese Fondue
Source: Taste Food Blog

I agree with the author of this lovely recipe that those who think of the 70's when they think of fondue need to make another go of the dish, sans shag rugs and bell bottoms.

The addition of porcini is one that I have not thought of, but now that I see it, I must have it. Between that and the brandy addition over the dry white wine, I can only imagine the richness and robust flavors of this creation.

If you try it before I do, ya gotta let me know how it turns out!

For those of you that don't like mushrooms, leave 'em out for a scrumptious Alpine Cheese Fondue.

Get the Recipe

4 - Aged Gouda and Doppelbock Fondue

Aged Gouda and Doppelbock Fondue
Source: Tempest in a Tankard

I love cooking with beer, and I have made my fair share of fondue created with different beer and cheese medleys.

When pairing the two, you want to make sure they complement one another instead of drowning the other out.

F.D. Hofer does this perfectly here, opting to match a rich German Doppelbock lager with an equally hearty mix of Gouda and Gruyère, then rounding out the richness with sherry.

Get the Recipe

5 - Mild Cheese Fondue Recipe

Mild Cheese Fondue Recipe
Source: Just a Pinch

I know that not everyone has a palate that appreciates the stronger cheeses in life.

For that, I am truly sorry.

But I didn't leave you out; for you, too, can appreciate the joy of piercing your favorite finger food then dunking it in a steaming vat of gooeyness!

Get the Recipe

Don't those look ah-mazing?

All that's left for you to do is pick your favorite, round up some friends, and hope they're nice enough to let you have some!

Friends Partying Around Fondue
Source: Giphy

That's all for today, folks. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read this!

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