My 2017 ---Culinary Art 我的2017 美食篇

It has been a year since my first post was posted in here in mid-december in 2016.

Things change so fast in here. Well, take contests for example, from a few contests in the early stages to many many contests now. I don’t know how many contests there are. lol! And contest is really a good opportunity for new steemians and talented people to show themselves. You can also make yourself grow up quickly and also get acquainted with some friends being in the same camp by it.

There's nothing I enjoy more than participating the culinary challenge hosted by @englishtchrivy (1#-to 20#) and @woman-onthe-wing (21#-to 50#)

The following are my part of award-winning works:

Although most of themes were western-style food, which was not I’m good at. After I took part in it, I had got a lot not only in learning other country’s cooking skill , lifestyles, but also sharing meals with the locals and meeting many wonderful people.

In addition, I also got a few awards, including the first prize(25 SBD), I was very happy at that time. Now even though I think of it, I feel it is really great fun.


I like culinary, of cause, I would like to communicate with you by sharing some food.

Food and drink exchange, is the easiest way to communicate and resonant one. Everyone likes delicious food, can’t resist its facsination. However, it carries, except great taste, the human history and thick food culture. It is because of them that endows the food with deeper intention.

And we also feel love, your love for your family and their love for you, by this way.



而我当初最喜欢的比赛就是美食活动了。虽然大部分的主题都是做西餐,其实我并不擅长。但是每次参赛,都能让我了解一点西方的饮食文化,比如如何制作Taco, French crepe,etc..而我也从这个活动中收货多多。不仅学习了很多其他国家的美食烹饪技术,获得了一些奖励(其中一等奖25 SBD 对于当时的我来说真是笔巨款,哈哈)。当时真的非常开心! 现在回想起来,也充满了乐趣。



My recent post:

1.Fruit Smoothie 火龙果酸奶杯
2.2017 Merry Christmas ! 2017圣诞快乐!
3.Healthy food---Clams Mixed With Spinach 人气特色菜-- 黄蚬子菌菇拌菠菜
4.What's your impression about Japanese food? 谈谈日本饮食
5.Chinese food ----MaPo ToFu 麻婆豆腐


Happy New Year!

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