Over 20 Club - Late night free thoughts on my freewriting adventure


Hello friends!! It's over midnight here, my luggage are ready and tomorrow at this time I will be in Guildford, UK.
A new adventure is beginning for me, I will learn and fight in the main dojo of the martial art I practice, Wado Ryu Karate-Do, meet old friends and definitely drink rivers of good Guinness!

Adventure and friends are the two words that jump to my mind when I think to freewrite. I met Marianne right before she started this initiative, and my first freewrite was freewrite #1 "Bored Stiff". I'm looking back at it and smiling at the thoughtful encouragements of @mariannewest and.. look there..a comment of my life best friend @marcoriccardi too!

Did you notice how many things you feel like saying when it's about describing what the freewrite experience means for you?

I would never stop talking about it. For me it looks like the Mary Poppins bag: small from the outside but enormous in the inside.

If you think about it, it's simple writing for 5 minutes..isn't it?

I suspect that the freewrite exercise is way more than this!

I feel like i'm flying with you my friends through infinite worlds of our imagination and feelings. It's an amazing journey and every freewrite is a universe by itself. My brain changed the more I kept writing with you, like a dormant minstrel awakening from a long sleep. I feel that old paths in my mind rejuvenated and new paths have been built, fed by the manna of all this creative and free environment.

I always tried to probe my limits, I've been provocative, irreverent and silly, but most of all I always longed for that unique human contact between us in this community. We, free beings, sharing together the wanderings and the wonders of our minds.

In my writing you will often find the theme of breaking our barriers, exploring what's beyond the ordinary, beneath the veil of the conformism and alienation of this world, dominated by those that want to keep our consciences sleeping.
My works may be fiction, poetry, or personal thoughts, but this theme will always be there, behind the corner.

That's why I tend to embrace awkward themes, sci-fi dystopic worlds and horror stories: I like to break with the ordinary, it's basically a physiological need for me, it's a self-defence mechanism against the indifference of this - sometimes - fucking smiling and empty world.

What I found here, on the contrary, is a world made of variety, inclusion, freedom and true friendship. Thank you @mariannewest and thank you all my friends for being part of this!


Here you can find some examples of what I meant above. I like to think to some of these freewrites like amino-acid in a primordial soup: one day they will join together and, hopefully, give birth to the DNA helix of a book.

Break the bowl - Day 97 of the 5 Minutes Freewrite : a message more than a poetry, to raise our heads and be free.

Apocalypse and Pretzels : a homeless, rejected from society, is beginning something totally unexpected. This is one of my novel ideas.

Friendship - Freewrite, day 87 : sharing a personal experience and talking about the Old Steemians Home and the great friends I discovered here.

Lucid Dream : this is the one I prefer between my fiction works. It's about the sleeping of a conscience and the damage resulting from a consequent split. Thinking about it, it's not just fiction: consciously or not, I feel I placed a good message lying behind the sci-fi plot. It was born when I was under the shower, singing like an idiot.

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