Freewrite Favorites, Volume #13 (En Espanol & English)


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Remember if a post is older than 6 days, try to find something more recent to upvote so they can get the rewards. Thank you so much for your support!



The other FreeWrite I would like to highlight is @eaglespirit's Eris, Goddess of Discord. First, the selfie drew me in. And the story that followed, made me wonder how many times had this Goddess been messing with me. So beautiful but I'd rather not have her visit. ~ @kaerpediem




Today I would like to nominate @msicc for his #freewrite on today's prompt: core values.
I just finished reading a couple of today's #freewrites and I ran across this one from @msicc. He has the perfect recipe for teaching his children a list of core values. Actually, it's like he copied them from my parents. Of course my dad was in the Army so "Yes Sir" and "No Sir" were mandatory. I'm not sure if that is still taught, I don't hear it much in my everyday life anymore. Great job on this #freewrite ~ @wonderwop

I would like to nominate @msicc for his freewrite on core values that he teaches his kids. They are simple values in life but each one is very important. The last one on his list blew me away, and I don't want to spoil it, so make sure you go check it out. ~ @whatisnew




hola quiero proponer a un autor que presenta contenido de calidad se trata de @darruiz podrán observar las ocurrencias de sus aportes, que nos permiten disfrutar de este proyecto, en este caso un poema inspirado en el tema del día "baño" ~ @corderito

Hello I want to propose to an author that presents quality content is @darruiz will be able to observe the occurrences of their contributions, which allow us to enjoy this project, in this case a poem inspired by the theme of the day "bathroom"




Me gusta mucho este proyecto por la cantidad de autores que están surgiendo. Hoy quiero presentar a ustedes a @corderito me parece que es un escritor genial. Siempre apoya al proyecto desde sus inicios en la versión en español y en el Spanish Freewrite que les dejo aquí podrán ver como captó la esencia del vivir cotidiano de un obrero que llega a casa después de una jornada de duro trabajo. Verán como enlazó su visión al tema "baño". ~ @latino.romano

I really like this project because of the number of authors that are emerging. Today I want to introduce you to @corderito I think he is a great writer. Always support the project from its beginnings in the Spanish version and in the Spanish Freewrite that I leave here you can see how it captured the essence of the daily life of a worker who comes home after a day of hard work. You will see how he linked his vision to the theme "bath".




Me gusta y encanta mucho esta iniciativa asi se puede promover a otros escritores que estan escondiditos y que aun nadie los conoce, hoy quiero presentarles a @mariart1 escribe unos poemas espectaculares y me ha gustado uno reciente que publico que es: En Mi Interior Poema
deberian leerla de verdad es muy buena y colaboradora tambien ~ @kcastillo
Bad google translation:
I like and love this initiative so you can promote other writers who are hiding and that nobody knows them yet, today I want to introduce @ mariart1 write some spectacular poems and I liked a recent one that I publish that is:
should read it really is very good and collaborative too




Core Values by @freedomtowrite was a completely unexpected take on the prompt. At least, I sure wasn't expecting that angle, and I really liked the story. @scribblingramma



This story is great! I love the quirky way that he tells the completely silly-fun story with such realism. has a way of writing that makes me smile so often. Just reading through them feels almost like tripping through a tale that you'd hear while touring the WIlly Wonka Chocolate factory. I feel a hint of Roald Dahl in his characters and the way he injects humor and yet some sort of believable but crazy situations. I think he definitely deserves to be a freewrite favorite! ~ @eroticabian




I would like to nominate @malloryblythe for Portrait of a Neckbeard
What a glorious piece she has created in five or so minutes! She starts with the room, sheets torn from bare mattress, psychedelic screen savers and wads of used, crushed tissues—a scene I could see immediately. Felt even my olfactory senses were turning on merely looking around the place!
From his “feminazi” sociology professor and dead-end job at the Hobby Lobby, it’s about one of those living with Mom at thirty!
Funny and sad and entirely relatable, and you won’t be sorry you’ve read. Thank Mallory for the intro to incel culture—that is, if you don’t already have one living in the basement ;) ~ @kimberlylane




A Legacy of Nightmares really captured my attention. The idea of a pencil that won't go away, and draws scary things, is something I would never think up all on my own. It's great to know @honeydue can think them up! @scribblingramma





Family Tradition took me through the very common relationship abuse, the physical and verbal kind. Most, for many reasons will justify it, sweep it under the rug until the tipping point. And then the decision to take action. The story had me thinking, what if it was me? ~ @kaerpediem

And then there is @byn, who has been writing wonderful stories about her husband and family all week. You should go read them all, if you haven't already. This one really cracked me up: [Saved by the Bath](@byn/saved-by-the-bath-the-very-true-story-of-how-a-bath-saved-me-from-marrying-the-wrong-guy, but they are all good! @scribblingramma


Check out what else is going on over at @freewritehouse

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And don't forget to watch for the chance to win SBI for nominating your favorite freewrites each week! The post goes up on Tuesdays!


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