See Me - Freewrite - Prompt: Hair


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*A freewrite is a timed writing exercise with not much editing - just spelling and such. It can be great and not so great. One never knows. *

Hair. I love long hair. always wanted long hair and finally, as a teenager, I got to grow it long. before, it always had to be cut so it looks nice. No looking nice for a teen we wore jeans and parkas and boots and long hair. Combed, but not looking all groomed and such. And just walking around town. That is what we did as teens. Later, in this country, I found out that there is a term for that - cruising main street. we didn't have that term but we certainly were doing it. Up the street and down the street. To be seen and see or whatever that phrase is. It was important to laugh hysterically when the right people came by or to ignore the ones who just weren't cool enough to be noticed. I think I always thought that I wasn't one of the cool kids. Maybe I was and maybe I wasn't. We cruise and cruise and cruise. Then we squeeze into the packed stand-up coffee place. By that I mean that you bought a cup of coffee and drank it standing up. There were round tables to put your cup down and all. And yes, you guessed it. We went there to be seen of course. What else. We wanted to be seen.


All images are my own unless otherwise cited. This is a picture of me when I was the age of cruising main street.


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