Discount Ramblings -- ✏️5 Minute Freewrite Day 224✏️ -- 💰💰40% Off💰💰

Numbers have always interested me. I hate math, but I love numbers. Isn’t that odd?

As a child, I used to travel around town with my father in his pickup truck. We would “junk hunt,” which was turning another man’s trash into treasure.

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In Michigan, there was a day each month that a neighborhood could dispose of items they no longer wanted that wouldn’t fit in a traditional garbage can (non-food items). We’d pick up what we could sell, and then we would work together at a flea market to sell the items we found.

We also would frequent thrift stores. The junk-hunting and thrift store way of life became something that never left me. Even to this day, I have a hard time not being attracted by a huge discount. If I go into a clothing store (I hate clothes shopping), I head straight to the discount section. I’m always looking for a bargain.

What is actually a worthy discount versus good marketing that’s intended to make you believe something is cheap when it’s actually expensive is difficult for more and I suppose for myself as well, but my upbringing has helped me see value in things that other people overlook. I may not have the finer things in life, but I have been able to acquire valuable things here and there, and at a fair price.

This is my entry for @mariannewest's 5 Minute Freewrite Day 224. The prompt was "40% off." This writing is unedited and was typed in 5 minutes, so please follow my blog for more polished examples of my writing, and thank you for stopping by!

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