Day 201: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: Banana- The Fruit Fly

Day 1 - 200 Day Contest - Prompt: Banana


This is my entry for the Day 1 - 200 Day Contest - Prize: 25 SBD and a Chance to Win SBI, hosted by @freewritehouse.

You can also find today’s freewrite prompt by using this link: Day 201: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: banana, hosted by @mariannewest.

I love bananas, but right now strawberries are in season, so I didn’t have any real bananas on hand. I used the program @mariannewest suggested called Canva to add the bananas to my selfie. It was a very fun program to use. Thank you @mariannewest for giving us a link!

The Fruit Fly

I was searching for dinner and what did I see?

A succulent, glorious, apt banana tree.

The fruit was ripe and dropped down like a seed,

Just waiting for a jolly, blessed fruit fly like me.

I rushed to the peel and wiggle my way in.

It tasted so good, it felt like a sin.

But I couldn’t keep the good food all for myself,

So, I let out a signal to inform everyone else.

They came by singing; so happy for me.

We ate the fruit all day long and got drunk from the mead.

I will always remember this great day with joy,

For this is what happens when you are a good ol’ fruit boy.

I could have stayed there longer but Ma called me in.

She said it’s not good to eat too much and I should save some for them.

So, I took one last bite and I bid the tree farewell.

There’s so many other fruit flies I must find and tell.

This tree is no secret but a bit hard to find.

Not all the fruit flies can find a treasure like mine!

The End

Such a fun prompt!!!!

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Thanks to @snook for this super cool gif!

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