Day 208: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: paper

Day 2 - 200 Day Contest- Perfection


This is for the Day 2 - 200 Day Contest - Prize: 35.55 SBD and a Chance to Win SBI, hosted by @freewritehouse.

You may also join in the freewrite by finding today's prompt, Day 208: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: paper, hosted by @mariannewest.

You can follow along with the freewrite by following the #freewrite tag, and follow along the 200 Day Party/ Selfie contest by following the #freewritehousecontest.


“Paint me like one of your French girls, Jack.” I said and then laughed.

But he was very solemn. He looked at me for a brief second, and then placed the tip of the pencil onto the drawing paper.

He said, “You are much more than those French girls. I want to show the real you.”

“What do you mean, the real me?”

“The woman I see when I look at you. The woman who is always sad when the hero dies at the end of the movie; the one who gets mad when I leave my clothes on the floor; the one who tells me everything will be alright when I feel my world is about to crumble.”

The pencil in his hand drew faster as he spoke, almost as if he wanted his words to be brought to life on the canvas.

“I want the world to know that there was a woman who walked this earth who was more than what we see in the photos. I want them to know you fought the world; gave this life your best shot and faced the tyrants of the century.”

“I want them to know you were not only pretty but that you were brave; that you were talented and gracious. I want them to see this painting and think, ‘wow’ the artist loved that woman.”

I looked up at him, not knowing what to say. But I knew that with his talent he could make anyone beautiful, even me.

“I will paint away every wrinkle, and cover every scar, so that they will see you the way I do…. absolutely perfect!”

The End

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