The Interview Series - With @Deirdyweirdy


Welcome to the Freewrite House Interview Series

brought to you by @brisby

       Our Freewrite House loves to showcase all of you fantastic freewriters! So, each week, we'll be giving a different author the chance to answer a few questions, share some of the favorite stories they've written, and pose a question of their own to the community.

            This week’s offerings are from the fabulous @Deirdyweirdy! Deirdy's stories hit hard and fast, pulling you in with her characters for an emotional ride from fear and hope to laughter and heartache! She's been a wonderful help to our group with her weekly prompt deliveries, pitching in to help when some is needed, and offering encouragement to her fellow freewriters!

Deirdyweirdy photo.png
                                          image by @Deirdyweirdy

Click on the blog photos to read @Deirdyweirdy's selections.

Remember if a post is older than 6 days, try to find something more recent to upvote so that the author can get the rewards. Thank you so much for your support!

1 - Have you ever spent a long time working on something only to end up either losing it or scrapping what you were going to do with it? How did that make you feel and, if it was a decision, what led you to choose to do that?

      No, not really. I can’t stand to start something and not finish it. Having said that, I have taken on a few things which proved to be quite beyond my meagre abilities but I have no memory at all of what they were.

2 - What is something that you’ve had to unlearn? Why?

      Being a pedantic fusspot. Why? Because I was a total nightmare who drove people to distraction trying to impose my version of perfection on everything and everyone.

3 - Has a freewrite prompt ever opened up a door to something that you either hadn’t thought of in a while or had chosen to not confront or deal with? Did you decide to write about it? If so, do you feel that it helped with the issue or gave you a release in being able to put the issue and your feelings into words?

      Yes, indeed. Several of the prompts evoked memories I thought I had entirely buried and I found a certain catharsis not only in committing these to paper but also in attempting to be humorous about them.

4 - What is something that your brain tries to make you do and you have to will yourself not to do it?

      Pick fluff of other people’s clothes when I’m standing behind them in a queue.

5 - What is something that people misunderstand about you?

      People seem to find me amusing but I’m quite the most melancholic individual I have ever met.

6 - What is something that you’ve done (or not done) that you regret?

      Not making more of an effort to keep in touch with a couple of my friends who have died recently.

7 - What do you feel is your favorite part of the freewriting community and/or freewrite exercise and why did you choose to be a prompt deliverer?

      I’m new to blogging and social media with not a clue what to write about. It was @TonyR who started me off with his A-Z challenge and when that was finished I was sort of lost until I happened upon Maid Marianne and her delectable daily prompt. It was while she was on holiday and delivering all the prompts herself. I remember thinking to myself, how the hell does she do that and then suddenly there she was asking for help, so I jumped in.

      The freewriters just amaze me with their…..well…… freeness, their willingness to put themselves out there with no fear. That deserves acknowledgement. I must confess to writing most days but only posting about 1 in 7. It’s great practice!

8 - What is one thing that you would change about Steemit?

      I would give all down votes equal weight. Why?Because it sickens me when one person’s down vote invalidates the upvotes of a multitude.

9 - What are some things in life that you feel people have to learn the hard way?

      That the more you own the less you live and that at 50 you have the face you deserve.

10 - What is a question that you wish people would ask you?

      What’s really going on?

11 - What do you do when it seems like everything is going wrong?

      I tell myself that this too will pass and I head off to the gym.

12 - What is something that you’ve discovered about yourself since you’ve begun freewriting?

      That I’m slightly more courageous than I imagined.

13 - What is something that seems small to others but is important to you?

      Good manners.

14 - Have you ever lost joy in doing something that you used to love? What was it and were you able to find pleasure in it again?

      I used to listen to music incessantly but now I find that much of it brings back feelings I’d rather not revisit. What was it and were you able to find pleasure in it again? Not yet.

15 - Where is your room in the Freewrite House and what does it look like?

      I have the penthouse of course with white walls, wooden floor, huge comfy couch and a big sparkly ensuite!

16 - What ridiculous thing has someone tricked you into doing or believing?

      Can I skip this one? I am way too clever to be tricked into anything. ;)

17 - You’ve been cryogenically frozen for 200 years. What is the first question that you ask when you wake up?

      How do I look?

18 - What fictional place would you most like to visit and what would you do there?

      The Star ship enterprise. I’d fit some seat belts.

19 - If you could kill off any fictional character, who would it be and why?

      Elizabeth Bennet so I could have Mr D’arcy for myself.

20 - It’s time for a roadtrip! Who do you bring, where do you go, who gets to drive, what do you listen to and who gets to pick it?

      Oh dear. I loathe and detest driving/travelling in cars. I guess I would bring my younger brother, the most amusing person I know who can drive, somewhat. We would listen only to Morrissey and The Smiths and we would follow Morrissey wherever he was going on tour.

21 - If you could do anything you wanted to someone who cut in front of you, either in a line or in traffic, without any repercussions, what would you do?

      I’d feature him in a short educational film called Bad Manners to be played before all movies at every cinema for the following 2 years.

22 - You’ve been selected to appear on a game show and have to pick four other people (this can be anyone, including freewriters) to team up with. What show is it, who do you pick and why?

       You’ll have to let me off with this one. The only game show I know of is Who wants to be a Millionaire. I haven’t had a TV for more than 20 years.

23 -What mythical creature interests you the most? Why?

      I’ve always loved mermaids Why? I think it’s the long flowing hair.

24 - It’s movie night in the Freewrite House! How do we pick what to watch and what are we having for snacks?

      The person living in the penthouse decides what we watch and snacks consist of homemade kale chips and freshly squeezed strawberry, lime and apple juice.

25 - What is a prompt that you’d like used for a freewrite?

      Ah go on!

26 - What’s a song that you have had stuck in your head? How long did it take for you to stop thinking of it?

      Englishman in New York. I listened to @edprivat’s brilliant cover last week and now the damn thing is on a permanent loop in my brain.

27 - What’s something that you wish people would stop saying?

      I find that offensive.

28 - What question would you like to ask your fellow freewriters?

      How do you do it?

      A big thank you to @Deirdyweirdy, for all of the help that she's given to our freewrite community and for playing along with this interview! To show our appreciation, we'll be giving her the SBD from this post's payout, as well as a membership in the Steem Basic Income program and a vote by Thundercurator!

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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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