Hello Funditians!
Welcome back in a new Fundition Polyglot episode: thisis the ninth and I am proud of this. I did not think that this journey could be so long with you, but Fundition has demostrated to me that
And I know that Fundition is the real power in Steem Blockchain. Every week I find new users who love telling me what is their opinion about this platform. That is awesome and I am sure that is not common in the real world, but Fundition is a different place. GREAT!
I want to remember to everybody that they can send me their opinion on discord with a private message. I am really curious of what you think and then I will show your ideas and critiques here in a new Fundition Polyglot post: there is not any censorship here, because any kind of suggestion can help Fundition Team to make better.
This is the easiest question you can answer:
What is your opinion of Fundition?
Moreover you can also tell in your answer about your project, your story and what take you to Fundition.
I am ready to listen all of your contents and I hope that they could be a lot.
This week we are in the Central Europe: first of all we meet @tibfox from Germany. I asked some times if he would like to send his entry for Fundition Polyglot and today it is. I am very happy of that. After this first polyglot text I have decided to add my input to this project. So you will know what is my idea of Fundition, even if I have already written a lot of things along this nine episodes. However it is always a pleasure to be here. So lets' go!!!!
Here below you can find the direct link to the first and the second episode:
Take a look to the previous episodes to have a better idea of what Fundition is, if you read your language between the post I wrote. Surely your idea of @fundition could be better and I know that you could start to know also projects that you did not know at all. All of them are on fundition.io.
So this ninth episode speaks
German and Italian

German Ambassador: @tibfox
Country: Germany
[GER] Mein Name ist Norman, auf Steem kennt man mich als @tibfox und ich bin seit knapp einem Jahr hier auf der Blockchain.
Bereits in meinen ersten Tagen hier habe ich von Fundition gehört und bemerkt, welch tolle Projekte online und vor allem offline ermöglicht und gefördert wurden. Diese Crowdfunding Plattform ist auf jeden Fall einer der wichtigsten Bausteine der Blockchain, da somit aus einer virtuellen Währung echte Projekte in der reellen Welt geschaffen werden können. Ich selbst habe bisher 2 Kampagnen gestartet und in der Zeit viel über die Außenwirkung von Design, Formulierung und Netzwerken gelernt, um eine Kampagne zum Erfolg zu führen und Unterstützer zu finden.
Mein aktueller Fokus ist auf jeden Fall auf der Fundition Kampagne zum DTube Forum, welche ein großes Community-Treffen in Barcelona im Mai 2019 als Ziel hat.
Ich bin sehr dankbar für die technische Umsetzung und die finanzielle Unterstützung in Form von Upvotes. Vielen Dank für all die helfenden Hände des gesamten Teams! Ihr rockt!

[ENG]My name is Norman, also known as @tibfox here on Steem, and I am here on the blockchain since more than one year now.
Since my early days on the blockchain, I heard about fundition and recognized that this platform is a big toolset for funding online and more important offline projects with various goals. This crowdfunding platform is definitely one of the most important parts on our blockchain because of the possibility to turn virtual money into projects in real life. Until today I started two campaigns and I learned a lot about design, wording and networking to maintain a successful campaign and to find backers.
My current main focus is on the DTube forum fundition campaign which aims to fund a big community meetup in Barcelona in May 2019.
I am really thankful for the technical development and the huge financial support in form of upvotes. Thanks a lot also for all the hands of the whole fundition team. You rock!

Italian Ambassador: @moncia90
Country: Italy

[ITA]Sono diventato un membro di Fundition alcuni mesi fa e dopo molte settimane sono ancora qui e la mia opinione di questa piattaforma sta crescendo giorno dopo giorno: qui ho trovalto molte belle persone: @addicttolife è probabilmente la Funditian che mi ha aiutato maggiormente ed ancora oggi è la mia insegnante all'interno di Fundition. Mi ricordo come il mio viaggio in Fundition iniziò: decisi di scrivere un intervista al CEO di Fundition @hightouch e al quel tempo capii che questo progetto è magnifico perché il suo fondatore è anch'egli grandioso.
Dopo di che ho incontrato utenti come @siamcat, @zen-art e @goyard: sono entrambe grandi persone che mihanno dato alcuni consigli ed introdotto in altre piattaforme come @tasteem. Così sono veramente fiero di essere parte di questa grande familia chiamata @fundition.
Probabilmente la più grande dimostrazione è avvenuta ed avviene ogni giorno, quando voglio collaborare con il mio amico italiano @paololuffy91 ed il suo progetto @cooperfelix e chiedo a molti utenti un piccolo aiuto e loro sono così gentili da offrirmelo.
Grazie mille per il vostro grande cuore!!!

[ENG]I became a member of Fundition some months ago and after a lot of week I am still here and my opinion of this platform is growing day after day: here I have found a lot of beautiful people: @addicttolife is probably the Funditian that helped me most and still now she is a my teacher inside of Fundition. I remember how my journey started: I decided to write an interview to Fundition CEO @hightouch and at the time I undersood that this project is awesome because its founder is awesome too.
After that I met a lot of other users like @siamcat, @zen-art and @goyard: they are two great people who gave my some advices and introduced me in other platforms like @tasteem. So I am really proud to be part of this big family named @fundition.
Probably the most beautiful demostration happened and happens eveyday when I want to collaborate with my Italian friend @paololuffy91 and his project @cooperfelix and I ask to a lot of users some help and they are so gentle to give it to me.
Thank you very much for your big heart!!!
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