And the World Turns~Sims 4

Hi everyone!

Today I thought I would give a bit of my background before we find out how Skye and Red are doing.

Sims 4 is an open-ended sandbox type of game which means you make your own rules. For some this is great for others, it get's boring after a while because, in reality, there is not a challenge to the game other then what you make for yourself.

I purchased the Sims 4 per @simgirl's recommendation when it first came out. I didn't understand the game really. I built a few houses, made a few people and got bored so I stopped playing very soon after.

When I came to Steemit, because of my son @ecoinstant, I thought it was a very neat platform. My great friend @simgirl then started to write Sims 4 "how to" posts. I read all her posts and was learning a lot from all of them. @simgirl then started a Legacy challenge family which gives you rules you need to follow. Lot's of rules! Hard rules!

I then decided to try out those hard rules of the legacy challenge and see how it went. I was much better prepared to play the game from reading @simgirl's how to posts.

Not feeling well, I started my Legacy family which you all have been following. Thank you for that! I will link my other posts below if you have not been following along so you can get caught up if you feel like it. It's been a very interesting ride so far! I can now see how people can get very addicted to this game!

All that being said let's get on with Charlie and Earl's Legacy family and see how the second generation is doing!

As you can see Skye and Red are now the proud parents of 2 boys and 2 girls!

The first thing we needed to do was get Skye in for a makeover! Caring for 4 toddles was getting to be too much to keep her long hair clean and as the neat trait does seem to run in this family dirty hair just cannot be!

The higher you can get your toddler traits the easier they and you will have it when your toddlers grow into the child stage. If your lucky and get all the toddler traits to level 3 or 5 they get a jump start when they go to school and they say they sleep better, meaning less monsters under the bed you have to spray when you are worn out from a day of work and just want to sleep!

The new Bulter, that I finally got and kept, is an Elder male. He is so funny to watch. He will start to cook dinner and then forget what he was doing and just wander off. That, for me, has taken some getting used to because now I need Skye or Red to make meals and have them in the fridge for when the kids come home from school and are starving.

My family also needs to use the high chairs to feed the toddlers. If I don't, the toddlers will eventually pick up food off the counters but all they do is make a mess and throw it everywhere! I then have to listen to 20 minutes of whining as all the rest of the family has to clean up the mess and take the garbage out.

Skye and Red's children are really turning out to have great personalities and are a lot of fun to watch when they help each other. In the first generation as soon as a child became a young adult I moved them out of the house due to not having a lot of room, for me, for them to stay.

Skye has been the only one to go to work. She is a Scientist. I have no idea how to play a Scientist so poor Skye is doing the best she can. The good thing about her job is when she retires she will get about 1000.00 per day for her retirement income. I'm hoping then she will be happy to spend her extra time on the roof looking at the stars!

So back to the treadmill she goes! After having 4 babies she too, like her Mom, put on a few pounds and she wants to be able to enjoy her family when she retires, so she is willing to make the sacrifice of a few minutes a day running her bum off!

The question then became what am I going to do with the children when they get older? The house, as it sat, was causing me all kinds of trouble from so many rooms being added and deleted and readded so I bit the bullet and tore down the house!

I had to be careful and save all their personal stuff in my inventory. All of their sinks and showers are mostly fully upgraded which means they will clean themselves! The upgrade for a soap dispenser will give your sim a happy buff so it's well worth the time to go through the house one by one and put things away before you take a sled hammer to it.

Off I went to Google and this time I looked for a 5 bedroom 1 story house. I used what I found as a guild and made their new house all from scratch. I made sure all the rooms were really rooms so laying the floors would once again become easy!

I was very happy with how it turned out. More so when I loaded the family back into the house and all the kids ran to the toys and all started talking at once! It made me happy! Skye, of course, went straight to the roof and started looking at the slides under her microscope! that made me laugh.

So, for now, our legacy family is set. They lost the pool in the remodel and the Park but they really needed the room to grow. With a few empty rooms, this house plan should work for a long time to come. Plus we get to build a new Park which, for me, is always fun!

Happy Gaming!

Sourse @simgirl

And he went hunting
Sims and my love for the Butler!
The Day the Music died...Sims 4
Buffs! Traits! Oh my! ~ Sims 4
Time out! ~ Sims 4

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