Current State of the Gaming Tag

The currents state of the #gaming tag and a reminder of the Mangosteem #gaming channel


The #gaming tag

Hey fellow gamers, our efforts seem to be working because we are climbing back up the ranks.


At the moment we are back in the charts and trailing on the heels of the sports tag. But we must not celebrate too soon, we still have some way to go. Steepshot will undoubtedly increase in popularity and sports will be a hard tag to overtake.

Keep up your good efforts and thanks to all you who have posted with the #gaming tag.

Mangosteem #gaming channel

For those who don't know, the Mangosteem #gaming channel has gone live! Mangosteem is a web chat application on the Steem blockchain and has the same functions as Steemit. This means that all your comments are also visible on Steemit and you can upvote (or get upvoted) and earn rewards for chatting.

You can find more info about Mangosteem here: Mangosteem.

To participate just login with your Steemit posting key here: Mangosteem Alpha chat



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