A Chart of Incompatible Plants

Some plants aren't compatible to be planted beside each other because one could influence the ph of the soil or would need much watering more than the plant beside it and for these and a few other reasons the plant beside it might not grow well.

I've decided to share you my chart so what happened to me here won't happen to you, too.

I'll let you in one secret as to why - Potatoes are better not be planted beside corns, cucumbers, legumes, pumpkins, squash, tomatoes and turnips. All of them are susceptible to the virus called Phytophthora which could cause root rot and spread fast. Imagine all of these plants are planted in a row - you won't be harvesting any fruits nor roots in the end.
This chart isn't complete so if you happen to know what other plants should not be planted beside any of the ones on the list, do share below and please do add your source. Thank you very much.

Do you happen to know why these plants should never be put together?

If you do, kindly share it below as a comment. If your answer is based on your experience kindly write it down and if not - kindly put your source of information below.

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Here are my other gardening articles:

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