Even Gardening Doesn't Help ...

How inspired are you at writing here? If there's one thing I am sure of @oaldamster seems all fired up and it's just amazing to find him writing again. Just so you know, he's been the first Dutch Steemian I've met and got very close to. Huge hearted person - very generous.. I'm forever grateful I've met him here. Seeing him writing again reminds me of the sun .. it's back in the Netherlands, too.. shining bright on a daily basis.

On the contrary with, I have been away since the sun had been up. Well, I've got two gardens to attend to and I realized it's becoming quite a challenge.

Since the sun has been shining brightly and the heavens have hushed from weeping I've been out gardening. Pulling all the weeds, removing the moss that have grown and fed on the damp during the cold days and cutting the inward growth of the bushes and fruiting trees have kept me busy again these days.

Yesterday was just another day of such days. I didn't notice the time.. I just knew it was time to go back home not because of the dark but because even the blackbirds have stopped singing. This was what the horizon look like when we left the "volkstuin" or the public garden last night. I wasn't done weeding but hubby's tummy was already asking for food so we left. Me? I could go on till 10 pm as I did in summer without eating - that's how addicted I am in gardening .. very.

Since I am also such a Steemit addict, I didn't let a few events that took place in my garden in the "volkstuin " slip either.

Here.... take a peek on what I woke up snoozing under the ground. Oh well, it's officially spring .. time to wake up anyway.

I do hope it survives - it looked pretty freaked out but no worries I didn't hurt the guy. More weeding and trimming the inward growth of the gooseberries, redberries and having transplanted all 10 young apple trees in the ground was really fun.

I was supposed to throw these nettles away when I remember ...

Saved by @ocrdu and @papa-pepper :)

Oh, I've also brought home a few more dandelions I'm growing in pots I transplanted today. I'm growing both the sting nettles and the dandelions in pots cause they could get invasive and I don't want that. My pronoia has worked again, I found out that the young bush I thought was a blue berry in my new garden is actually a bay tree so I dug it up and brought it home. Now I won't have to keep buying bay leaves. I could just pick them fresh out of my garden. I'll just have to figure out where to dig up a place for it in my pretty crowded backyard.

Now, am a bit dead tired and my muscles are aching from all the digging, transplanting all ten apples but da heck with it ...
Yes, it's the weekend I could have just gone shopping and play with my friends, too but I've got things on schedule and this one is quite a priority these days. Yes, too it's Monday and right after I got the free time I went straight to my back yard to transplant the plum and cherry and sow the seeds that could be sown now. I'm far away from being done .. I still have so much to do so if you don't see me around .. that's cause I'm in my garden trying to kick off - this other addiction.

Oh, I'd still try to do my best to cast upvotes - now that the power to influence a post has been given to us. I say ... take advantage and I shall, too!

How about you ... how have you been spending your weekend?

I hope you had a great one.

I took all of the pics with my Samsung A3 2016 edition.

Are you new in Steemit? Kindly read the Complete Steemit Etiquette Guide Revised Edition authored by @thecryptofiend to help us all get along well with each other. Have you been here for quite a long time? Read it, too ..it won't hurt being reminded. Thank you.

Here are my other gardening articles:

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


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