My Tiny Garden - Dendrobium Kingianum orchid in bloom.

This is my tiny Dendrobium Kingianum var silcockii orchid. Why tiny? Well.. if you put the whole plant on you hand it would probably fit there. Not very big. But so darn gorgeous!

I got it last year as one plant. The previous owner said it never bloomed for her, so she wanted to sell it. It turned out to be two plants in one pot, yay! Now I keep the in separate pots, give them lots of light and make sure they have enough water in warm months and they just grow beautifully.
Check out those gorgeous little flowers.

dendrobium kingianum var silcockii 1.jpg

Pretty eh? And now imagine a strong honey fragrance...
Yep, they smell like honey.

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The flowers do not last too long. About 2-3 weeks, but next year, when the plant grows even bigger its gonna be even better! so worth it :)

All photos taken with Nikon D5500 and Sigma 105mm.

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