When flowers are trying to prank you...

Look at this lovely African Violet. I took a leaf cutting last year from a blooming mother plant, so I knew what it will be. I got 3 little plantlets from that leaf. Gave away two and kept just one. I don't need more of the same colour, right?

African Violet cherry 2.jpg

It bloomed so beautifully the first time. Straight away it became my favourite colour. The flowers have this humble, simple shape that I like. But the super intensive, dark colour makes them very special.

African Violet cherry 1.jpg

Then it stopped blooming, it grew a little more and after few months it started to grow new flower buds. Yay! More pretty blooms...

But noooo...
The plant has a mind of it's own and decided to forget about the pretty deep cheery colour and bloom white. Why? Because it can!! :/
Yes, the photos above and the one under are the very same plant.

Afrian Violet white-cherry 2.jpg

And honestly, I had no idea they can do that. I heard stories of Violets losing their colour that I didn't want to believe in. Untill I saw it my with my own eyes.

Well, they do that. Apparently after they get stresses by wrong light, temperature, nutrients or I dunno what else, they go back to the colour of one of the parents. And from what I read, the change is irreversible!

Afrian Violet white-cherry 1.jpg

So now I have another white Violet. I can try to get the leaf from this one and propagate it again. It might grow the old colour. Nothing certain, but it just might.

African violet pink bud macro.jpg
All photos taken with Nikon D5500 and Sigma 105 macro lens

There are still some traces of the previous colour on the buds. Less visible on the edges of open blooms.

Oh well... I will enjoy this white one until I decide if I want to keep it or give away. I have other pretty colour to enjoy too :)

Previously on My Tiny Garden

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