Wildcrafted Medicine: The Incredible Healing Properties of Sow Thistle

Every aspect of life is better when you are healthy and thriving!

To that end, we are happy to share our knowledge of wildcrafted medicine. Nature herself creates a remedy for all of Man's ailments! Plants grow right up out of the ground for free--often with little to no attention--and have incredible properties to heal the human body.

Many common "weeds" are actually healthful powerhouses! To pull up and discard these super plants (or worse yet, to douse them with poisonous chemicals) is to forsake their magnificent abilities to fortify and revitalize the humanimal. We hope to reconnect you with primordial wisdom to empower you with alternatives for health and wellness. 

Today, we reintroduce you to SOW THISTLE, a relative of dandelion that pops up almost everywhere. It grows in gardens, along rivers, in sidewalks, alleys, and fields, and on almost every continent. Behold:

We hope you are inspired to eat your "weeds"!

Please check out our other Wildcrafted Medicine posts
for more powerful plants:

Dandelion / Calendula / Lamb's Quarter / Henbit / Carolina Geranium /Oregano / Yellow Dock / Lemon Thai Basil / Comfrey / Rosemary / Lyre Leaf Sage / Mint / Lavender / Moringa / Cilantro / Aloe Vera

We offer some of our beyond organic, dried Garden of Eden herbs by donation exchange through the Peerhub Marketplace. 


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