Challenged @ merej99 day 3 Regional organic food I invite you to know all the secrets and benefits of "Garlic"

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Hello dear friends of steemit, thank you for being present on my blog and accompanying with reading my post. As every day Monday I am posting a new informational post of regional organic wines, this interesting information I found while I was browsing the web, I hope it is to your liking and enjoy as much as I did when doing the post.

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My passion for agriculture began as an 8-year-old child. At that time I lived in a rural area of large-scale land. My father and my grandparents were country people, they knew very well the origins of sowing.

At that time were not very common greengrocers of neighborhoods, in our case being a rural district was outside the conurbano, the fruit market was very retired from my home, it was vital to have a fifth with the basic vegetables in the basket.

The work of agriculture was to prepare the land for planting, we planted corn, manioc, squash, tomatoes, peppers, different vegetables and vegetables, today I want to share with you all the manual process that we carried out with my grandmother and my mother in planting "Garlic". This procedure is called organic procedure, no fertilizer or pesticide is used anymore. Only compound, black soil, hangover or cow dung.


The scientific name of the "garlic" is "Allium sativum" corresponds to the families of the "liliáceas" like the onion and the leek, although by a new arrangement they classify them within the families of the "amarilidáceas".

This product was widely used not as a vegetable or condiment, the "Egyptians, Greeks and Romans" used them for their healing power, this product has been known for "7000 years" is estimated to come from the "Southwest Siberia".

There are few places in the world where this product is not known, most of the world cultivate it, but "80%" of the products are harvested in "Asia", the countries that stand out in the production are: "China, India , Republic of Korea and Egypt "

There are two ways to distinguish these vegetables, one is the varieties depending on the time it takes the plant to go out, these can be "precocious, semi-past, middle and late"

The other way to differentiate them is by their color the white ones, these group to the "White Common and Fine Garlic of Chinchón" and the pink ones that group to the Ajo Canario, Red of Provence and Pink Early.

"Ajo Blanco"


"Ajo de Chinchón"


"Ajo Rosa”


"Ajo Rojo"


" Ajo Chino”


As we can see there are different varieties of "Garlic", in today's post I want to talk about "Garlic Criollo".


The "garlic" plants are composed of a fine stem that can grow up to half a meter in height, in its glass can flower white or pink flower buds depending on the variety, the roots are fine beards and between the Root and stem grows the fruit, which is what commonly known as "garlic" is composed of several teeth covered with a thin white layer.


The work to plant the "garlic" is very simple, it has four fundamental steps, to clean the earth, to remove the earth, to fertilize the earth and to plant, it is fundamental the preparation of the land for the success of the harvest.

The work begins by cleaning very well the surface to be planted, in this procedure removes all the yuyo or the grass with a hoe of hand, as we see in the image


Once the land has been cleaned, the whole weed must be raked and removed, the weed removed, the next step is to remove the soil, a depth of 50 centimeters, this work is done so that the soil is soft and can develop Without problem the root of the plant of the "garlic"


The next job is to fertilize the soil, fertilizer is mixed with the soil, here we use cow dung and hangover, the hangover is achieved in the forest, the leaves and sticks that fall to the ground are disseminated and Are mixed with the earth, this mixture of sticks, herbs and black soil is what we call hangover, others use previously buried garbage and scattered on the earth.

A good way to make a good homemade fertilizer is very simple, in some large bucket or inside a deep wheelbarrow place black soil, then add cow dung, banana peel, eggshell, coffee grounds, a little urine Human, grass hangover or dry sticks, a little ashes, a little vinegar, not much with a tablespoon is enough and if possible and get added worm, this mix well, let it stand a few days and have the best fertilizer That may exist, more organic than this does not exist.

Once the surface is fertilized, the soil must be raked again to leave the surface smooth, as we see in the image.


Once our land is clean, fertilized and couple we are able to start planting. The "garlic" proliferates from its own teeth, carefully choose the best teeth, "garlic" begins to sow before the end of autumn, the garlic plant needs some cold to develop the fruit well, it has to be many hours exposed To the sun, can also adapt to a place of half shade, but it is preferable that the sun to full, you have to choose very well the place where we are going to plant, we must throw some straps to plant as straight as possible leaving a space of 40 Centimeters between each lino, as we see in the image


Once we have made our sheets we are able to start planting our cloves of garlic, we plant a tooth per hole with a separation of 15 centimeters between each hole, to a depth of five centimeters. As we see in the picture.


At 28 to 56 days after planting the plants will start to come out, it is essential to do the maintenance of cleaning by removing all the weeds, water frequently, the soil must always be moist, but not too much, the plant can not be submerged in water .


The "garlic" plant will be ready to harvest from the fourth or fifth month of planting


The harvest of "garlic" is very simple, you have to take the stem and pull up, once plucked leave it to rest for about six days to let out all the moisture from the teeth.


"Garlic" is very healthy for our organism, because of its high content of sulfur contributes to digestion, respiration, circulation and to prevent some types of cancer, provides "protein, lipids, vitamin C, B1, B3, potassium, calcium, Phosphorus, iron and magnesium "

The consumption of garlic is very healthy for our organism, its intake "stimulates the gastrointestinal mucosa" contributing notoriously to "glandular secretion and bile", eliminates the "harmful bacteria of the intestine", very good "antiseptic and bactericidal"

Very convenient consumption for its contributions to "bronchial secretions" acts as "expectorant and disinfectant", ideal for "congestion" a good relaxant of "tension" helps in stabilizing "pulsations" decreases "bad cholesterol" by doing Ideal for "high blood pressure, tachycardia, arteriosclerosis and hyperlipidemias"

If you want to know more about the healing power of "garlic" you just have to enter the link


This vegetable in my province is consumed in many ways, raw, cooked, soups, cakes, tortillas, juices and in countless meals.

“Ajos Tiernizados en Vinagres”


"Ajos al Aceite”


"Sopa de Ajo"


“Tortilla de Ajo”


"Tarta de Ajo"


"Ensalada con ajos fritos"


"Jugo de Ajo"


The use of "garlic" is infinite, everything has to do with the ingenuity of the cook, they can be used in infinities of form, this product includes daily in the intake of my Corentine brothers, I hope you enjoyed as much as I did in the post.
Bon Appetite.

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I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land in Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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