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Hello dear friends of steemit, thank you for being present on my blog and accompanying with reading my post. As every day Monday I am posting a new informational post of regional organic foods, this interesting information I found while surfing the web, I hope it is to your liking and enjoy as much as I did when doing the post.
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My passion for agriculture began as an 8-year-old child. At that time I lived in a rural suburb of large areas. My father and my grandparents were country people, they were very familiar with the origins of sowing.
The work of agriculture was to prepare the land for planting, we planted corn, manioc, squash, tomatoes, peppers, different vegetables and vegetables, today I want to share with you all the manual process that we carried out with my grandmother and my mother in planting "Radish". This procedure is called an organic procedure because no fertilizer or pesticide is used. Only hangover or cow dung.
Fuente: http://www.vix.com/es/imj/salud/5422/que-beneficios-tiene-el-rabanito
This vegetable has its scientific name "Raphanus sativus", belongs to the family of "Brassicaceae" better known as "radish or radish" but is very famous for having many names such as "white radish, Japanese radish, daikon, Erradil, radish, Radish, radish, radish, red radish, red radish, radish, radish, radish, radish, radish, straw radish, radish, radish.
This product originates from "Orient" closest to the "Mediterranean Basin" a very popular crop in "Europe".
There are different varieties of "rabanitos" these are different by their crop times, there are varieties of summer, autumn, winter and those that are grown all year.
As we can see there are many varieties of "radish", today we will see the most traditional
"Radish forrajero"
Fuente: http://www.granjaonline.es/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=48051
"Radish Fluo"
Fuente: http://perlaivonne1.blogspot.com.ar/
"Radish Japonés”
Fuente: http://sadyrad.ru/dajkon/dajkon-kogda-sazhat.html
"Radish Largo de Mallorca"
fuente: http://www.actiweb.es/rse-coopser/productos.html
"Radish Verde”
Fuente: http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.mx/MLM-575865606-rabano-verde-10-semillas-exoticas-plantas-_JM
"Radish Amarillo”
Fuente: http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.mx/MLM-550948844-35-semillas-de-rabano-amarillo-rabanito-_JM
"Radish Negro”
Fuente: http://fruteria.joanmsegura.es/es/rabanos/40-rabano-negro-de-invierno.html
"Radish Rojo"
Fuente: http://es.paperblog.com/ensalada-de-rabano-fresa-y-requeson-con-alino-de-aguacate-3137983/
"Radish Morado"
Fuente: https://www.etsystudio.com/mx/listing/496496484/vrcr-rabano-morado-ciruela-semilla-mi
As we can see there are different varieties of "Radishs", in today's post I want to talk about "Creole Rabanito".
Fuente: http://www.semillas-organicas.com.ar/rabanos/249-rabanito-punta-blanca.html
The plant of "rabanitos" is a branched stem of approximately 20 centimeters, its roots are quite thick, it is the fruit that is edible, can be round oval or elongated of different colors, according to its variety and origin.
fuente: http://www.orgapower.nl/nl/nieuws
The work to plant the "radish" is very simple, it has five fundamental steps, to clean the earth, to remove the earth, to fertilize the earth, to plant and to transplant, it is fundamental the preparation of the land for the success of the harvest.
The work begins by cleaning the surface to be planted very well, in this procedure it removes all the yuyo or the grass with a hoe of hand, as we see in the image
Fuente: http://fullagro.blogspot.com.ar/2012/08/manos-la-obra.html
Once the soil has been cleaned, the whole weed must be raked and removed, the weed removed, the next step is to remove the soil, 30 centimeters deep, or the top of a spade. That the earth is soft and can develop without problem the root of the plant of the "radish"
Fuente: http://semillasgrow.com/es/67-abonos-y-sustratos-
The next job is to fertilize the soil, fertilizer is mixed with the soil, here we use cow dung and hangover, the hangover is achieved in the forest, the leaves and sticks that fall to the ground are disseminated and Are mixed with the earth, this mixture of sticks, herbs and black soil is what we call hangover, others use garbage previously buried and scattered in the earth, once fertilized the surface, we have to rake the soil to leave the surface Smooth, as we see in the image.
Fuente: http://fullagro.blogspot.com.ar/2012/08/preparando-para-la-siembra.html
Once matched to the ground, we are in a position to prepare our soul, we pull a few strands to form the rectangle 2 meters long by 70 centimeters wide, this is where we are going to plant our "radbanito" seed, see the image
Fuente: http://www.fundacionxochitla.org.mx/sustentabilidad-ambiental/proyectos-ambientales/huertos-didactico-y-biointensivo.html
Once the soul is made, we are ready to begin sowing. The "radish" proliferates from its own seed, begins to plant at the end of the strong frosts and beginning of spring, a seed is planted per hole with a separation of 5 centimeters between each hole to cover the length and width of our Almacigo
Soon the plants will start to come out, it is essential to do the maintenance of cleaning by removing all the weeds, water frequently, the soil should always be moist, but not too much the plant can not be submerged in water, ten or fifteen days We will be able to transplant
Fuente: http://viaorganica.org/rabano-un-cultivo-rapido-para-pequenos-espacios/
The plant of "radish" prefers places with sun, before transplanting we must choose the place very well and prepare the final store, we must throw a few files to plant as straight as possible leaving a space of 30 centimeters between each ply. As we see in the image
Fuente: http://viverospuenteretamar.blogspot.com.ar/
Once we have made the files and the soul, we are able to transplant our plant "rabanitos", plant a plant in each hole leaving a space of 10 to 15 centimeters between each plant, as we see in the image
Fuente: https://www.mercagarden.com/hortifichas-cultivar/676-rabano-o-rabanito.html
The "radish" plant will be ready to harvest between "30 and 45 days" from the date of planting
Fuente: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_L6Xjm9PECXtfz1Yb_lKeg
The harvest of the "radish" is very simple, we must only remove the plant from the ground, it is advisable to remove the radishes every time we go to consume, so that they are always fresh. As we can see in the image.
Fuente: http://negaos.blogspot.com.ar/2012/10/rabanitos-una-alegria-para-los.html
"The ranabito" is very healthy for our organism, its content of "flavonoid antioxidant canferol" collaborate with the prevention of "cancer" its leaves contribute calcium, iron.
They possess "an antibacterial and antimycotic action" contributes to a "healthy intestinal flora"
Provides large amounts of "potassium" better stimulates "circulation" provides a very predictive "diuretic effect" of "kidney and bladder stones"
If you want to know more about the healing power of the "rabanito" you just have to enter the link
Fuente: http://www.frutas-hortalizas.com/Hortalizas/Efectos-saludables-Rabano.html
This vegetable in my province is consumed in many ways, raw, boiled, soups, stuffed, salads, juices and in infinity of food cakes.
“Radish a la Charvencia”
Fuente: http://hazgrandestuscomidas.com/recetas/frescas-y-saludables/radish-especiales-a-la-charvenca
"Encurtidos de Rabanito"
Fuente: https://comerlimpioblog.wordpress.com/2014/06/04/encurtido-de-rabano-muy-facil/
"Radish con Puré de Petit Poas"
Fuente: http://abanicodesabores.blogspot.com.ar/p/fotos-de-productos.html
“Carpaccio de Radish”
Fuente: http://lagalamperna.com/site/carpaccio-de-radish-y-champinones/
"Radish al Horno"
Fuente: https://namnamnomnom.com/2015/11/05/radish-al-horno-oven-cooked-radishes/
"Ensalada de Radish"
Fuente: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJr24BLy5rhhW7IOm7Ab_bQ
"Tarta de Radish"
Fuente: https://cookpad.com/es/recetas/2004679-tarta-de-radish-para-san-valentin
"Sopa de Hojas de Radish"
Fuente: https://quehagoconmicestadeverduras.wordpress.com/2011/02/21/sopa-de-hojas-de-rabanito/
"Jugo de Radish"
Fuente: http://www.lavidalucida.com/toma-estos-3-jugos-y-desintoxica-tus.html
The use of the "Rabanito" is infinite, everything has to do with the ingenuity of the cook, can be used in infinities of form, this product includes daily in the intake of my Corentine brothers, I hope you enjoyed as much as I did the post.
Bon Appetite.
For more information just enter the links that I leave below.
Fuente: http://www.frutas-hortalizas.com/Hortalizas/Presentacion-Rabano.html
Fuente: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raphanus_sativus
http:/I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land of Corrientes./pzy.be/i/2/writing-pen.gif
José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina
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