My Garden, My Barn, My Books

I do love books.

Real books - with paper and pages, and spines that can get damaged.

E-books have never grabbed me nor kindled my imagination.

And my gardening books are my best books.

I have accumulated quite a few over the years.

Generally they have stayed on the shelf, in the house.

But I do my gardening out of the house, in the garden, and sometimes in the barn.

The books were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

So I have moved my favourite gardening books to my potting (pottering) room in the barn.

Now I can grab one whenever I need to look something up. And if it rains I can sit in the barn and have a good read.

Here is the collection of books I have in the barn so far.

I am always on the lookout for getting more.

I usually have a few on my Amazon wish-list - a great instant response when a family member asks what I would like for Christmas.

Occasionally when I have just won a good new contract and I am feeling moneyhappy I treat myself to a book from the list.

I have also started buying second hand books. You can get a much better deal on secondhand and often times you can barely see that the book has been used.

Just recently a got a great secondhand herbal medicine book - it was in perfect condition and less than half the original price. But I left it lying on a low table and the new puppy got it and chewed the corner off the the spine.

So annoying but she is such a cute little puppy.

One of my favourite books at the moment is James Wong's Backyard Revolution. It gives information, including growing tips, about a whole range of unusual and exotic plants for the UK.

I bought mine on an online offer and got a free kaffir lime tree with the book.

Amazon UK : £18.33

Amazon US : $26.95

Another book that I regularly refer to is Companion Planting : The Beginner's Guide to Companion Gardening.

I am very keen on maximising companion planting benefits and this book is really useful for helping with this.

However it is quite limited to the common fruit and veg, and I am on the lookout for a more comprehensive book if anyone has any recommendations.

Amazon UK : £5.33

Amazon US : $8.97

One final fave book at the moment is The Polytunnel Book : Fruit and Vegetables All Year Round.

I got my polytunnel too late for the main growing season last summer, but I have been stuffing it full over the winter.

Oh boy, does it make a difference in our wet and windy wild west Wales climate.

I will be starting to harvest some young brassicas and spinach next week from the polytunnel. Those I planted outside around the same time are barely showing their faces.

This book is giving me a lot of tips and encouragement to keep expanding my growing season with the polytunnel.

Amazon UK : £11.44

Amazon US : $19.67

I'll keep collecting gardening books. And if I find any particularly good ones I may pop up a review post in case anyone is interested.

If there are any 'must haves' that you would recommend do put them in the comments.

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[ photos by pennsif ]

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