A Superpower In 30 Days - Day 5 Brain Food And Using The Body To Memorize

" Today I want to share with you the 10 best products you can eat to improve your focus and increase your brainpower."

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"Please, don't write down the foods, I will teach you a great method to remember the foods that you can add to your toolbox."
When Jim Kwik said those 2 sentences right at the start of day 5 of his 30 - day "Superbrain" program, I knew that the anticipation and excitement before opening today's video wasn't coincidental and that this lesson is really going to pay off.

Today is April 13th, and it is the fifth day of my 30-day "Superbrain" program by Jim Kwik.

In the first 4 days, Jim shared some basic methods to memorize things, gave 10 hacks to unlock hidden brain power and made a practice and review day to really make the material stick.

If you want to check out the summaries and learn the tips and techniques of the 4 previous days check out these posts - Day 1 , Day 2, Day 3 , Day 4.

In this lesson, Jim talked about 10 foods that seriously improve concentration, focus, and energy. moreover, Jim added a memorizing technique that uses locations to make sure that you remember something you can't write down.

10 awesome brain foods.

Avocado - Avocados protect the brain from harmful effects.

Blueberries - "Brainberries" have a lot of anti-oxidants that are extremely good for the brain.

Broccoli - Broccoli has a very positive effect on your entire body including your brain.

Coconut oil - Coconut oil has a great positive effect on your brain due to a special fatty acid composition.

Eggs* - Eggs Have important vitamins and nutrients for the brain like vitamin B4 and
vitamin E as well as Omega - 3 fatty acids.

Leafy greens - Cabbage, Lettuce, Spinnage, Kale, Water Cress etc. are very good for the brain.

Wild Salmon* - Salmon contains Omega - 3 fatty acids that protect the brain.

Turmeric - Turmeric is a spice that lowers inflammation inside the body and the brain.

Wallnuts - Walnuts even look like a brain and are very beneficial for his function.

Dark Chocolate - Raises Endorphines creating a great mood, high focus and lots of energy.

* I am Vegan so as a Vegan alternative you can eat Chia seeds and ground Flax seeds to get the same nutritional benefits of Eggs and Salmon.

Fresh foods and produce are the best way to go, but sometimes while traveling or due to a lack of access you should use supplements like B group vitamins, vitamin E and Omega -3 (They all come in Vegan versions as well).

After reading and explaining the list of brain foods, Jim showed a great technique to memorize this list of foods using the body.

" When you can't remember someone's name, you often ask yourself where do I know him from. Locations help us get context and remember different things. Today I will show you a way to use locations in your body to memorize things."

"Oh Yeah, this is going to be good," I said to myself while staring at the screen with excitement.

Body Memorizing Technique

Using different places in our body to memorize things is pretty simple and the best part is that our body is always with us so just by touching the place in our body where we stored the information is enough to recall what we want to memorize.
The technique uses special images that we create in our mind to bond the location and the desired memory item.

Let's use this technique to memorize the list of 10 brain foods:

First, we need to choose 10 location in your body and they are - top of the head, nose, mouth, ears, throat, shoulders, chest, fingers, belly and the arse.
Touch each and every one of them and say the name of the location out loud.

"Now, while touching the top of the head imagine a bowl of Guacamole salad on your head, the more absurd the image and the more emotion it creates the easier you will remember it." At this point I was LMAO.

I will now share with you Jim's suggestions in a list imagine the different images while touching the location with your hand.
try to visualize the images as clearly as you can and since the smell, taste and the emotions you experience while visualizing, this will make the memorizing process more effective.

Nose - Imagine Blueberries falling out of your nose.

Mouth - Imagine a giant piece of broccoli sticking out of your mouth.

Ears - There is coconut oil pouring from your ears.

Throat - Imagine an Egg stuck in your Larynx.

Shoulders - There are green leaves growing out of your shoulders.

Chest - You have a necklace of Salmon.

Fingers - Your fingers are covered with Turmeric.

Belly - There are walnuts coming out of your belly button.

Arse - Just think about something with Dark Chocolate and your arse...

After laughing and feeling different strange feeling I easily memorized the foods and I can remember them very clearly.
Awesome technique.

Conclusion of Day 5

This day was great, I learned about great food I can eat to improve my brain power and I am really happy that most of them are Vegan.
The highlight of this lesson was, of course, the memory technique Jim gave to remember those foods, I will Never forget them.

I can't wait for the chance to use this technique on something else.

See you tomorrow on Day 6.

If you want to check out Jim Kwik's "Superbrain" program and get a Free masterclass go to this
Un-affiliated link

Thank you for your time.

With love.


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