A Rest from Moon-viewing :: Haiku of Japan #57

kumo oriori hito o yasumeru tsukimi kana

clouds sometimes
let us rest

(Tr. David LaSpina)

"Cloudy Moon at Matsue" by Kawase Hasui.jpg
("Cloudy Moon at Matsue" by Kawase Hasui)

This is Basho at his most playful. As we have seen before, Moon-viewing was serious business back in the day. Any of the artistic people would have been tripping over themselves trying to come up with profound things to say about the occasion. Basho is poking fun at them a little—and at himself, for he was just as involved in the practice as anyone. Yes, the moon is beautiful and it can be a moving and spiritual experience to watch it, but sometimes we need a break, conveniently given to us by passing clouds.

Don't miss other great haiku in the Haiku of Japan series!

#1–10 — Haiku of Japan :: Collection #1
#11–20 — Haiku of Japan :: Collection #2
#21–30 — Haiku of Japan :: Collection #3
#31—40 — Haiku of Japan :: Collection #4
#41–50 — Haiku of Japan :: Collection #5
#51 — Dewdrop World
#52 — A Fleeting Life
#53 — The Only Sound
#54 — Autumn Clouds
#55 — Playing Dewdrops
#56 — To the Last Drop

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Hi thereDavid LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.
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