Haiku of Japan 31–40 :: Collection #4

Time for the 4th collection of haiku posts from my Haiku of Japan series. Some great ones in here! Remember if you enjoy any of these, click on the title of the haiku to visit a post just about that haiku only which may give you some more info or background about the poem.


  1. Am I a Butterfly or a Man?


    kimi ya cho ware ya Souji ga yumegokoro

    you’re the butterfly
    I’m Chuang-tzu's
    dream essence

  2. Hidden Grey Hair


    yuku toshi ya oya ni shiraga wo kakushi keri

    The ending year...
    From my parents I hide
    my grey hair

  3. Sleeping Butterfly


    tsurigane ni tomarite nemuru kocho kana

    on the temple bell
    a butterfly

  4. Never To Grow Old


    toshi toranu tsumori narishi ga kane no naru

    never never to grow old
    was my intention...
    the temple bell tolls

  5. From Dog to Cat


    aki no yo ya inu kara morattari neko ni ataetari

    autumn night...
    got it from a dog
    and gave it to a cat

  6. Short Night


    yomei ikubaku ka aru yo mijikashi

    my life...
    how much is left?
    the night is short

  7. Silent Moon


    mikazuki ni hishihishi to mono no shizumarinu

    At the crescent moon
    the feeling
    of silence

  8. Temple Pine Needles


    zendera ni matsu no ochiba ya kannazuki

    at the zen temple
    pine needles falling
    month of no gods

  9. Nothing and Everything


    yado no haru nani mo naki koso nani mo are

    spring at my hut
    there is nothing...
    yet, there is everything

  10. Stubborn Scarecrow


    miyuki ni mo amigasa nuganu kagashi kana

    even to the emperor
    he will not lift his hat
    the scarecrow

And there we go. Hope you enjoyed. Remember, you can click on the title of each haiku to go to the original post on that haiku where I give some commentary on the poem and perhaps some insight.

Also note, all of these were translated by me, except where otherwise noted. Feel free to use any of these translations anywhere you want, but if you do, please credit me (or the proper translator). I ask that not so much because of my ego, but as a haiku reader myself I always want to know who did the translation so I can find more from them if I like it, so I'm always really happy when a website or book gives that info.

Needless to say, if you enjoyed any of these, follow me for more. I try to post one a day. Sometimes I miss a day if work or family gets in the way, but I do try to keep up.

If you enjoyed any of these haiku, you may also enjoy the first 3 collections from the series:

  1. Collection 1, haiku 1–10
  2. Collection 2, haiku 11–20
  3. Collection 3, haiku 21–30

If you enjoyed this post, please like and resteem. Also be sure to follow me to see more from Japan everyday.

I post one photo everyday, as well as a haiku and as time allows, videos, more Japanese history, and so on. Let me know if there is anything about Japan you would like to know more about or would like to see.

Hi thereDavid LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.
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