A Short, Full Body Workout: FINALLY Getting My Lazy A$$ to the Gym! (Weightloss Wednesday)




So, I'm currently still holding steady right between 181 and 179. You can see my One Year Progress Video if you're interested.

This month I've challenged myself to do at least one 36 hour fast each week. Thus far I've actually done four already. It isn't a difficult thing for me to do when I'm in the right mindset. As a matter of fact, I usually end up going to 40-42 hours just because I'm in the groove. Other than that, I'm still following the fasting for 16-18 hours and 'feasting' for 6-8 hours. I want to keep my calories at an average of 1800 a day, so I have been really REALLY wanting to add in regular exercise.

If you have been following my progress, you'll know that is something that I've failed at being consistent about thus far. That is in part to the fact that I'm actually feeling pretty good about my physical self. Having spent five years WAY overweight, this weight feels comfortable and I'm okay 'hanging out' here for a while. Letting my body adapt to this new size. I DO however, want to work on strength and flexibility for health reasons... soooo... my BFF to the rescue!


So, I finally found my motivation (or rather, my best friend, Marie found HERS and talked me into going along for the ride!). She's bad at being motivated AT the gym, while I'm bad at getting motivated to go TO the gym (or anywhere, for that matter. I'd stay home 24/7 for months at a time if I could!)

So, she talked me into meeting her at the gym this morning. Knowing that she is super busy, I tried to find a full body type workout that we could do twice a week or four times a week. She also has a few physical limitations that I wasn't aware of until we got to the gym, so there was some adjusting on the fly after we got there, but it all worked out.

I started with a plan from one of my favorite sites by Nia Shanks: Lift Like a Girl

The original plan was to do:
3 sets of 8 for each workout to start with, since neither of us have worked out in a while.

  • Dumb bell weighted squats

Super sets (no rest between the two exercises)

  • Dumb Bell Bench Press (I prefer these to barbell presses, because that way I can't over compensate with one arm over the other, even a little bit)
  • Dumb Bell Rows

Super sets (no rest between the two exercises)

  • Back Extensions
  • Leg Extensions on the bench for abs

Once we met at the gym, she told me that she can't lift ANY weight with her left shoulder, so we adapted a bit. I moved the bench press to the Smith Machine so she could still do the press with weight with her right arm alone, and just do the range of motion with her left shoulder (as long as it wasn't bothering her)

Warm Up

Since she also has a gimpy ankle, we hit the elliptical for our warm up. We did a moderate place (we were both slightly out of breath) for ten minutes before hitting the weights.

I forgot to get photos of the squats, but she does goblet squats by sitting back onto a bench when she first starts a workout routine. It helps her get proper form without feeling like she's going to fall/be unbalanced. Holding one smaller dumb bell in front of her is easier for her balance wise as well.

1: Squats

I just do dumbbells on the shoulders and do regular squats for my sets.

2: Bench Press

For the bench press, I did 3x8 with 50 pounds. I probably should have went heavier, but I really didn't want to push it until I was SUPER sore on the first day, so that was a good weight for me to start with.

3: One Arm Dumb Bell Rows

I probably should have went up on weight with these, too. I always have a hard time knowing where to start when it's been a while.

4: Abs, Leg Extensions

Legs out straight, hold for the count of two (You can set a weighted medicine ball on your ankles if you need extra weight for this one)

Tuck legs into chest and repeat for 8 sets. Move onto the next exercise without resting between them:

4: Back: Back Extensions

I did these holding a 10# weight. I neeeeed the back strengthening workouts for sure!

Hold at the top for a count of two.



I am SO bad about committing to stretching, but it is SO important. We did each of these twice, holding for about 20-30 seconds each.

The cat stretch is great for stretching the back all the way up and opening up the chest.

This hip flexor stretch is one I should do DAILY, if not multiple times a day. It is good for those of us who sit a lot (which is me, all day every day) Press your hips forward and reach to the sky, feel the stretch where the front of your leg meets the pelvis.

This is my favorite stretch, great after doing squats or any glute work.

I am hoping that this will inspire me to at least spend a little time at least stretching each day. My friend and I are planning to hit the gym 2-3 times a week. If I'm already going, @abyni will probably feel inspried to drag me there on the weekends as well!

**I Know some people are all snobbish about Planet Fitness, but let me tell you, it's CLEAN, the people are nice and the equipment is updated regularly. Those are things that are sometimes hard to find. Will it suit you if you're a Crossfit or hardcore lifter type? Nope. But you know what? If that's your thing, you're probably able/willing to spend more than $10 a month to workout. For me, it's perfect, because I'm NOT that hardcore and I need a place where I can get started. I may someday be that person who needs more. I don't like that there aren't more barbell options, but it's not meant to be for everyone... and it works perfectly for me. Don't be afraid to give it a try, because it's been the perfect solution for a tight budget! If you're creative or do your research at ALL, you can get a pretty hardcore workout with a little bit of thought!


This is not fitness advice or recommendation. This is just part of my own workouts that I'm posting to keep myself accountable.


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Click the icons to read some of my other posts!

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Sunday Funnies: Letters from a Boat Cat


Mommy Monday: Puppet Making Series, Part Two


Try Something NEW Tuesday: Learning the Ukulele


Weightloss Wednesday: ONE YEAR!!! Progress and Meal Plans


Therapy Thursday: My Bucket List (Dreams and Life)


Friday Favorites: Posts That Caught My Eye this Week




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