Healing the Self with Gratitude -@fmatinata's Healing Journey in the @gardenofeden Vortex

Our mental posture has everything to do with our health!

(My photo from the book Full Spectrum Health, author @quinneaker - the visionary and founder of the @gardenofeden.)


When we are happy, joyful, ecstatic, inspired and blessed, our bodies feel it and match that frequency.

When we are grumpy, angry, spiteful, or stressed, our bodies feel it, and are affected by that too.

As our bodies are a  direct reflection of us,  
I would say that one very good step to healing and overall health,
is tuning into things to feel good about.


@fmatinata is at the @gardenofeden, healing his broken ankle -- naturally -- enacting his super powers and engaging our healing vortex, rather than opting for the surgery the doctors offered.  

(Here is a taste of Frankey's story: Unlocking the Tarzan Within.)



I would describe Frankey (he spells his name that way because that's the way monkey is spelled!!--so fitting) as an easy-going, light hearted, playful, capable, honorable guy.

When Frankey looks at you, you can feel his genuine self,
which shows in his smile from ear to ear.

He eats good food, not because we insist upon it for his healing, but because it is important to him to feed his body well.  He fasts when he feels it will benefit him, and he chooses a mostly fresh and raw diet (his general preference) to give his body potent fuel to heal. 

He gets plenty of rest, which is easy at the @gardenofeden, because our time is our own and we can sleep as long as we want, whenever we want, wherever we want.  Frankie has been sleeping on the floor because that is his bed of preference.  He has also slept in our copper pyramid, in front of the fire, in the garden, and in the sun.

He is receiving sound therapy with the Tibetan bowls, drums and didgeridoo, 

hydrates, and received medicinal benefits from our activated water
(Healing Frankey with Wildcrafted Teas and Infused Water)

 and herbal teas,
(Plant Preparations to Unlock & Utilize Their Incredible Healing Properties),  

and applies herbal compresses to his ankle
(Wildcrafted Medicine: A Gallery of Plants from Nature's Medicine Chest).


He is soaking in both hot/cold herbal and epsom salt baths, 

activating crystal healing, 

receiving Thai massage, trigger point therapy, 

and muscle relaxing massages to ease the tension that has built in the rest of his his body while overcompensating for his broken ankle,

receiving reiki treatments from Reiki Master @saramiller (Sara's Day 7 post),

oracle card readings from our tarot whiz @loveon
(Healing Frankie Through The Oracles), 

laughter, a great amount of stimulating introspection and addressing emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of existence, as much physical activity and movement as he can do without re-injuring himself (like he did a couple of days ago on the tramp), 

doing agni-hotra (fire ceremony from India),
aromatherapy, pet therapy, and sun gazing.


He doesn't take our service for granted, as he uses his own fabulous massage skills to share the love with those of us facilitating his healing.

I have never heard @fmatinata complain about anything, not the pain, his lack of mobility, or having to take time away from his passion for travel and climbing -- but on the contrary brings bubbly richness to our sacred space.  His needs are few, so is not taxing on the tranquility or flow of the community.  His overall peaceful attitude makes him easy to be around, which is a blessing for everyone.


My experience of Frankey is that he is:

Grateful for the opportunity to heal.

Grateful for his body.

Grateful for an open mind.

Grateful for the time and attention we give toward his healing.

Grateful for all that is provided by @quinneaker through the @gardenofeden vortex, as well as Quinn's validating support through this journey.

Grateful for every moment of his year in travel, expanding his horizons and being astounded by the magnificence of nature and the world at large.

Grateful for his family who is tuning into his healing journey.

Grateful for his new relationship with Steemit and the support of the Steemit community.

And grateful for being alive!!


Developing an   A T T I T U D E   of  G R A T I T U D E
serves more than the self--

 it's contagious!!!

When one lives from a place of  g r a t i t u d e,
everything become more beautiful, valuable, worthwhile and enjoyable.

With an attitude of gratitude , loving the self comes naturally,
and opens up new realms of possibility.

When anything is possible, vibrant health is also possible.

Healing is much more tangible as gratitude carries the frequency of love,

and   L O V E   is a key ingredient to well-being.

Like attracts like,
so appreciating life attracts more things
to appreciate.


Together we are making a difference in each other's lives.  Fine tuning our own well-being has been amplified by Frankey's making healing a priority, and our combined efforts and expertise in a very large spectrum of the healing arts are benefitting him greatly, and us too.  

I'm so very * G R A T E F U L * to be living in gratitude and sharing the love.


Tune into the @gardenofeden, @saramiller, @loveon and of course @fmatinata to follow this natural healing journey.  We will be sharing all kinds of healthful information, our observances, daily flow, progress, insights and outcome.  

I'm excited to share how gratitude and attitude affect his journey.   

Tune in to -- OR JOIN IN ON -- this healing adventure.

Get a quick download of health from this trailer to @quinneaker's book Full Spectrum Health,

and another one of my posts on Gratitude!

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