Healing Journal Day 7

@fmatinata has been immersed in the @gardenofeden's healing vortex for a week. 

He came to heal his ankle/foot, broken in a rock climbing fall almost a year ago, which he ignored so he could keep traveling the world

Before he came, he was experiencing frequent pain as ankle was overused - he climbs up rocks and waterfalls and jumps from the trees and harvests coconuts as much as he can. The longest period of "rest" he gave it was 3 weeks in Thailand...where he climbed 3 coconut trees a day.

Recently, the pain became so bad he didn't want to walk at all, frequently crawling instead, and his quality of life is greatly diminished with limited physical mobility. So after 11 months of neglect, he came to the @gardenofeden to heal it for real. He knew the power of @quinneaker's revolutionary Eden vortex from previous experience volunteering here, and chose to return as an alternative to the surgery doctors offered him. 

After one week of 

  • massage 
  • yoga 
  • pranayama
  • Reiki 
  • agni hotra 
  • Tibetan bowls 
  • hot/cold foot baths 
  • high vibe cuisine
  • comfrey and other plants 
  • crystal therapy 
  • magnetic copper anklet 
  • activated water & herbal tea
  • rest

he reports diminished pain, increased flexibility and mobility, more peace, and improved quality of life every single day. He has no pain unless he spends too much time walking, in which case he rests for 10-15 minutes. Shows no adverse reaction to any of the modalities we provide, only improvement. 

Significant change in dense scar tissue on the right ankle and shin; it is breaking up and shifting, but it is still there. With the left leg overcompensating for almost a year of right side disability, hips are tight and left leg is tense. He gains flexibility every single day, and expresses that this is the most flexible he has ever been. Have focused on treating the right side with Reiki and massage, and will shift to balance the full body with right foot's improvement. Also intend to give concentrated attention to the root and foot chakras during upcoming yoga and Reiki sessions. 

He bit it on the trampoline a few days ago and busted his back on the metal part; that injury is now sensitive to pressure in a smaller area. 

Every day, he gains new insights regarding his health, injury, and life. He spends time in meditation and introspection, and he's open about his insights. His mental posture is fantastic, which is super important to avoid unnecessarily stressing the body. He finds ways to maintain physical activity without using the right foot; climbing trees with only upper body strength, etc. He partakes of the @gardenofeden's fresh air, sunshine, clear skies (!!!), animals, and frequent jam sessions. He is stoked to be on Steemit and uses it as a creative outlet for productive rest. 

This process is motivating me to upgrade my own health, so that's great. I'm also happy to report that more people are inspired to give me massages lately, so that's great too. Also, giving Reiki is supremely blissful for me, so feeling that flow is great great great great great!

Will continue to record my observations. 

Healing Journal Intro ~ Day 1 ~ Day 2 ~ Day 3 - 6 

💛 Sara! 

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