The Whistleblowers (Series): #22 - "Fluoride Can Cause Cancer" - The Cancer/Fluoride Connection Has been Covered Up For Decades - Dr. David Kennedy

Dr. David Kennedy's Background

david kennedy

David Kennedy, DDS is a third generation dentist who practised dentistry in San Diego for more than 20 years. He was a member of the San Diego County Dental Society for over 20 years and served on it's board of Directors.

He has participated on numerous committees including: Senior Care, Speakers Bureau, Political Action Committee and the Council on Dental Care.

He has previously been President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, is the author of a book on preventive dental health entitled 'How to Save Your Teeth' and is a nationally and internationally recognized lecturer on toxicology and restorative dentistry.

Whistleblower Testimony

Dr. Kennedy is an outspoken critic of Fluoridation programs and rightly points to both the wealth of research that shows that Fluoridation is a highly toxic idea that causes more problems than it solves. For years he has outright accused many governmental bodies of corruption and malfeasance. Thankfully, he is not the only highly qualified professional to have called out these groups on their ill thought out (and some might say 'evil') plan to mass medicate all humans without their full consent and in many cases against their will.

This subject is a complex one, but a brief summary of David's points regarding Fluoride are:

  • Primary Dental Associations do none of their own research and argued in court that they have no legal liability for the results of their recommendations - Hardly the actions of a true 'voice of authority' that must be followed.
  • The Dental Associations have no qualification for speaking about water fluoridation, since they are not specialised in relevant fields - yet they do anyway.
  • No large scale double-blind scientific studies were ever produced by the primary Dental Associations to back up the claim that Fluoride prevents dental cavities. An expert for the ADA testified in court that she was not aware of any blinded animal or broad based blinded human epidemiological studies that has ever found a reduction in tooth decay from drinking water with one part per million fluoride.
  • Fluoridation is being carried out without due care and attention. "Increasing the fluoride intake of a patient without regard to established risk factors such as age, kidney function, weight, physical condition, water consumption, total fluoride intake, and mitigating dietary calcium is medical negligence."
  • The weakest members of society are the most damaged by water fluoridation since children who are deficient in intake of protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and Vitamin C are especially vulnerable to fluoride poisoning. The accumulation of fluoride is greatly increased if the person has impaired kidney function.
  • Any beneficial effect of fluoride on teeth is topical only, meaning that the fluoride must come into direct contact with the teeth to be of any use. This means that water fluoridation can only be minimally useful and is far less beneficial than using fluoride tablets that are chewed.
  • Cancer: Research has shown in numerous studies that fluoride is a mutagen (genetic damage), a carcinogen (cancer causing), and cancer promoting in laboratory cell studies, animals, and humans. In 1990 the Congress-ordered National Toxicological Program (NTP) found bone cancers in male rats. The test animals, in the words of the board certified pathologists, "were awash with disease". The high dose animals had kidney failure and cancers of their lips, cheeks, throats, livers, and bones. The highest rates of cancer were found in the highest dose animals. The lucky rats and mice that drank the distilled fluoride free water had no significant disease. When the actual data indicated a causal relationship between fluoride and bone cancer the NTP down-graded the results to "equivocal."
  • Fluoride increases the risk of hip fracture due to it making bones more brittle. Since many elderly people never recover from hip trauma and die within 1-2 years following such an injury, this means that Fluoride is directly causal in the death of large numbers of people from this avenue alone.

You can read a letter from Dr. Kennedy that outlines more details with references here.

In short, Dr. Kennedy's message mirrors that of numerous other professionals who have done their due diligence research into this topic rather than simply blindly trusting the 'experts' who they are told to trust. There IS a large scale conspiracy surrounding Fluoride and I will expose some more of the details of exactly what is occurring here in my next whistleblower post.

Video Testimony

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Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

Posts in this Series

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