Kevin Galalae is a researcher and previously a university lecturer who has spent several of the last years fully dedicated to uncovering and exposing what he shows to be covert depopulation programs that span the Earth. He claims that he was imprisoned by those responsible in governments for this program and was offered an unlimited credit card if he would voluntarily stop talking about the subject. Instead, he has written numerous books on the topic, written personal letters to 'world leaders' to provide a record that they are aware of the issue and has gone on long term hunger strike at the Vatican - among other actions to draw attention to the situation.
The crux of his claim is that the 'controllers' of the world, those who think they are the right ones to make global decisions that 'benefit the world', have taken it upon themselves to lower the human population of the planet by any means necessary - to avoid the ever decreasing quality of life that is presumed to be the result of an ever increasing population level. This would be just another example of how these groups pre-judge humanity to be dumb and that it is they alone who are the 'enlightened ones' who can make such important decisions 'on behalf of' everyone else. The reality is that any kind of forced population control is a poor substitute for the cultivation of increased awareness within populations, such that we choose through our own enlightenment to only reproduce a required number of times. If people are covertly, chemically made unfertile, then nothing has been learned by the population and humans are relegated to the level of 'dumb pests', rather than the more accurate definition of 'divine spirits that are injured'.
If we look at the beliefs of many of the 'ruling Elite' as they are often called, it is apparent that they often really do think of 'the masses' as just another commodity - just like the way that most humans have been deceived into thinking of cows, sheep and pigs as just 'commodities' too. We would do well to examine this karmic reflection and to learn to stop exploiting animals - but that is a tangent here.
If we examine the Georgia Guidestones in America, a massive set of stone tablets that contain text written in numerous languages that present the reader with a set of rules for living in harmony on Earth - we see that the very first one is:
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Clearly, the figure of 500 Million humans is enough of a target for some in America, with access to significant resources, for them to create these huge monuments that are designed to survive even the greatest destruction and war that the Earth might face. With that in mind, we need to consider just how the population of 7+ Billion humans is going to be reduced down to 0.5 Billion. Kevin Galalae's work appears to go quite some way to showing how this is actively being done - beyond the perpetual "War on Insert Target Of Latest War Here" that so often boils down to simply attacking whichever nation has a population with a non-white/pink skin colour and which does not hold nuclear weapons.
Kevin Galalae's Background
Here is Kevin's Bio, taken from his page at
Kevin Mugur Galalae is a Canadian human rights activist, author, journalist and historian. He was born in Romania, grew up in Germany and is a naturalized Canadian since 1990.
Over the past five years, he has successfully challenged the military-industrial establishment and the security apparatus of the international world order by exposing and shutting down in 2010 a pan-European covert program of surveillance and censorship of universities. In 2011, he has forced the British Government to abandon the ideological overtones of CONTEST: The United Kingdom's Strategy for Countering International Terrorism and has shamed the European Union into aborting plans to follow suit with the UK through the Stockholm Programme, the EU’s five-year plan for political harmonization and security cooperation.
He has defended the independence and authority of the European Court of Human Rights and has advocated for judicial reform at the international level and in his own country. Due to his criticism of the judiciary, he has come under attack by the institutions responsible for the administration of justice in Canada and has had to defend himself against false charges and manufactured evidence, as no Canadian lawyer has the courage to challenge the corruption of the legal establishment.
He has sued the governments of Canada and the UK at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights (IACHR) and the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) for violations of fundamental rights.
He is also an ardent defender of the last bastion of freedom, the World Wide Web, and participates in many blogs and social media discussions to ensure that our expressional rights are safeguarded and to expose ongoing attempts at censorship online. He is a frequent contributor to the Sleuth Journal and to the European Journalism Centre.
His most notable accomplishment took place in 2012, when he exposed for the first time in its 68-year old history the chemical and biological methods employed by the UN-delegated Global Depopulation Policy and showed that demographic objectives are carried out by covertly undermining human fertility as a substitute to war. In 2013, he published part of his research on the history of the Global Depopulation Policy, its causes and consequences; the first account of the world’s best-kept secret and the central axis of the international framework for peace and security
post-World War II.He has been falsely arrested and imprisoned five times between 2011 and 2013 in order to intimidate him into silence and prevent him from exposing the truth about the methods and means by which governments around the world and the international community have defused the population bomb and in the process subverted the rule of law and democratic processes. The governments of Canada and the United Kingdom continue to hold Mr. Galalae’s children hostage as leverage over his determination to continue to speak truth to power and force governments to return to the rule of law and respect for democracy and for people’s fundamental rights.
To break the wall of silence, Mr. Galalae has published extensively in the alternative media, has issued open letters to world leaders and foreign dignitaries, and has pushed himself to near-death during public hunger strikes outside and inside prison. In 2012, he fled into foreign exile to escape a fifth arrest and nearly lost his life in the process of clandestinely crossing the border from Canada into the US.
Mr. Galalae lives and breathes to be reunited with his children, from whom he has been forcefully separated for nearly three years, and to compel the United Nations and governments around the world to abandon covert poisoning for overt legislation as the means by which to combat population growth.
He is the founder of The People’s Protection Force, The People’s Protection Court, and of Freedom in, non-governmental and non-profit organizations dedicated to defending people from governments, restoring the rule of law, and protecting our expressional rights.
Next to his children, he considers the OM Principles to be his greatest accomplishment.
Whistleblower Testimony
Kevin has published several large books which contain detailed examination of the way that fertility rates have been manipulated and apparently deliberately lowered in almost every country in the world over the last 50+ years. He shows how whenever water fluoridation is introduced into a country, the human fertility level and reproduction level nosedives in a predictable way. He highlights that social planning groups who openly seek ways to help manage human reproductive levels could never have dreamed of being so 'successful' without the use of chemical disruptors such as Fluoride.
He states that prior to the invention of nuclear weapons, the 'human farmers' sought to limit the numbers of humans on earth by way of artificially creating large scale wars - which is a claim that mirrors the evidence provided by numerous other researchers, who have shown that the real mechanisms by which wars are started have much more to do with money/power deals behind the scenes than they do with the false narrative that is fed to the public and to those who are fighting the wars. After the invention of nuclear weapons, it was realised that this method of depopulation could no longer be used as it was too risky and so it was decided to move on to covert chemical castration instead.
The scope of his message is large and we really need to look at his books to get a sense of why he is so certain of his message.
Below is a quote from his book Peace Without Poison, which is freely available on his page. The book contains pages for every nation on Earth, explaining how/when the covert policy of depopulation was allegedly introduced and also explains what Kevin has personally done to attempt to expose the issues in each nation. I have chosen to focus on Brazil, since as Kevin points out - Brazil has traditionally been a highly sexual nation and reproductive levels had been very high until the introduction of the covert population control agenda. While the population level does continue to increase for a while after basic fluoridaton was introduced to some parts of Brazil, Kevin points out that we do not have the figures for where the population would have been at without fluoridation and thus it is quite possible that there would have been a population explosion without it.
Brazil is a UN founding member but did not join the Global Depopulation Policy until 1965. As a result, its total fertility rate declined from more than 6 children per woman prior to 1965 to just 1.8 today and has been below replacement level since 2001.
Brazil has accomplished this decline through fluoridated water in the cities and fluoride veneer applications by dentists throughout the country, which is why Brazil has far more dentists per capita than any other Latin American country and nearly four times more dentists than Canada or the US. Brazil also mandates fluoride in bottled water so that its citizens cannot escape the sterilization program by drinking bottled water.
To be able to institute covert depopulation measures, the architects of the Global Depopulation Policy in the U.S., U.K., the Soviet Union and at the U.N. needed to install a military dictatorship in Brazil. Field Marshal Castelo Branco was therefore encouraged to seize power in 1964 through a coup d'état and as soon as he became President and assumed emergency powers under the First Institutional Act he began poisoning his people with fluoridated water.
His military dictatorship was bankrolled by the World Bank, the IMF and various American corporations involved in the Global Depopulation Policy. Branco’s military dictatorship was propagated until all opposition to covert depopulation measures had been silenced.
The covert depopulation program was continued, accelerated and intensified by Army General Artur da Costa e Silva from 1967 to 1969, by the Brazilian Military Junta of 1969, by Army General Emílio Garrastazu Médici from 1969 to 1974, by Army General Ernesto Geisel from 1974 to 1979, and finally by Army General and former Chief of the Secret Service João Figueiredo from 1979 to 1985, all of whom served as presidents of Brazil during this two-decade-long military dictatorship placed in power specifically to commit genocide in the name of the UN-delegated and western-financed Global Depopulation Policy.
Once the depopulation program was firmly entrenched and all opposition to it eliminated, the military dictators were replaced with Brazil’s oligarchs in 1985 when José Sarney became president of Brazil and continued to poison his people with the same fervor as the generals before him. Sarney was followed by the first president of Brazil directly elected by the people, Fernando Collor de Mello (1990-1992), then by Itamar Franco (1992-1995), both of whom continued to poison the Brazilian people with abandon.
Brazil’s covert depopulation program did not ease up until Fernando Henrique Cardoso, a noted sociologist, was elected president in 1995. The program was further humanized by Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2011), the founder of the Worker’s Party, who was elected President in 2003 and finally sidelined the country’s parasitical elites from power. Nevertheless covert depopulation continued under President Lula and continues to this day under incumbent President Dilma Rousseff (in office since January 2011).
As elsewhere, Brazil has been rewarded for its war on fertility with a growing GDP. As soon as fertility began declining in 1965 the GDP began increasing.
The steepest fertility decline took place from 1965 to 1990 when Brazil’s contraceptive prevalence rate was on average below 40% and could therefore not have been a factor. Since Cardoso’s presidency, the government has made great efforts to increase contraceptive use, which is now at 80%, but has yet to stop covert chemical poisoning.
Abortion is not a factor since it is illegal and allowed only in cases of rape or to save a woman’s life. The World Bank deliberately inflates the number of illegal abortions in order to help the government of Brazil conceal its secret program of sterilization.
Brazil is in stage four of the demographic transition.
Kevin's other relevant books, that are available on his webpage include:
Video Testimonies
My Comment
I have made several posts on the topic of Fluoride recently and can provide many well made documentaries on the topic of fluoride toxicity and the cover-ups that constantly occur at governmental level whenever professionals and highly educated people move to expose the lies being fed to the public regarding Fluoride's ineffectiveness at improving dental health. In Post 22 in this Whistleblower series, Dr. David Kennedy (and others) explain how Fluoride is known to cause cancer and that the evidence to support it's effectiveness as a dental treatment is almost non-existent. While there were many studies published that attempted to justify the use of Fluoridation, the reality is that more recent, higher quality meta-analysis of over 100 of these studies showed that almost none of them were of a high enough quality to be relied upon as being accurate. There are also many studies that showed that fluoridation had zero effect on the overall level of tooth decay in fluoridated areas and, in fact, appears to have had the opposite effect in some cases - resulting in MORE cavities in fluoridated areas (possibly due to fluorosis and the resulting weakening of the teeth).
So not only do we have an abundance of evidence for the corrupt science behind fluoridation and many professionals pointing it out - but we also appear to have significant data the points to the 'usefulness' of fluoridation to those who seek to depopulate the planet. We all have different requirements for when we will consider that the available data constitutes proof of a theory and so some will jump to agree with Kevin's ideas and some will reject them for their own reasons. While I myself do not know, with a capital 'K', that his claims are accurate, I do know that I do not wish to be 'medicated'/'drugged' using fluoride for a very long list of reasons, so I will continue to do whatever I can to remove it from my life anyway.
My final comment is that I personally find it difficult to listen to Kevin for several reasons, but I do not allow these to get in the way of looking at his data:
- He repeatedly makes apologies for those who he himself accuses of committing genocide, choosing instead to blame the people who are having a lot of children.
- He has stated very clearly in at least one of his own videos that he is 'the smartest person alive' - with no sense of irony or doubt. Since he has no way of assessing this, it does not bode well for his overall ability to view data without judgement or bias. However, if his claims are true regarding his children having been taken from him and him being imprisoned, it is to be expected that he will be suffering from a degree of psychological imbalance (as most people do).
Got Comments?
What do you think of this testimony? Do you have any relevant evidence to add? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks.
Wishing you well,
Ura Soul
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- The Whistleblowers (Series): #2 - German Doctor Admits Being Trained And Paid To Lie in Mass Media by CIA - Says Most Major Journalists Are the Same
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- The Whistleblowers (Series): #21 - Award Winning Psychiatric Doctor: "Psychiatry Is Fraud!" - Psychiatristy Is Less Than Scientific And Is More About Power Than Healing.
- The Whistleblowers (Series): #22 - "Fluoride Can Cause Cancer" - The Cancer/Fluoride Connection Has been Covered Up For Decades - Dr. David Kennedy
- The Whistleblowers (Series): #23 - Covert Depopulation Programs Using Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (e.g. Fluoride) Are Active In Almost Every Nation - Kevin Galalae
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