One photo every day: Night walk (11/365)

I'm feeling kind of bad now. Stomach is aching, like a bad case of heartburn, and every breath hurts my chest. I'm thinking whether I should go to the hospital or back home and try get some sleep. Not sure if it's my heart or my lungs.

Anyway, didn't have time for the photo I had planned for the day so here is one I shot while walking:


Update (next day): I drove to the hospital last night, it was a horrible trip as the pain just didn't want to stop, but got even worse. So they took my electrocardiogram, oxygen levels, measured my temperature, listened to my heart and chest, drew some blood, and then at 3 am they sent me home after giving me some painkillers and exclaiming that it wasn't my heart, but more like to do with my support and movement organs like muscles, joints and bones, and if it persists, I should come again.

Glad they gave me those pills though, I'm not sure if I could've slept at all had the pain continued as bad when I got home.

[Previous post: One photo every day: Bridge of Tönnö (10/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:
365 followers? Okay. (1/365)
Kiemurainen (2/365)
Game of Go in our club, Saarto (3/365)
Bulldog statue (4/365)
Linnanmäki / Borgbacken (5/365)
The Ashtray (6/365)
Our bookshelf + Squiggles' home (7/365)
Vesijärvi lakescape (8/365)
Sweet'n'Sour Chicken tastes GOOOD! (9/365)
Bridge of Tönnö (10/365)

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