Helpie's Homesteading Curation Report #5 - by Helpie curator @llfarms.

Helpie’s Homesteading Curation Report

Fifth Edition


Welcome to the weekly Helpie Homesteading Curation Report, where we feature some amazing content creators coming out of the Homesteading Community. Our goal is to find those individuals that are producing quality content and raise them up to help them grow. We do this by featuring them here to introduce them to all of you lovely people. We hope this helps get them seen by a larger audience, therefore getting them the recognition we think their wonderful content deserves. Then, because we think it is important to give credit where credit is due, we split this reports payout between the featured authors. We believe this is the only fair way to curate these individuals content that they have worked so hard on. We hope that if you choose to use these blogs in a post of your own, that you will join us in paying them for their content as well.</

What are we looking for?

We are looking for great content! We want to reward those individuals that are taking their time and energy to add value to the platform through their high quality content. That’s it, think quality over quantity. We will be collecting them through the week and posting our top five here each Monday.


First Things First: What is Helpie?

Helpie is a new and unique educational community within Steemit, designed to help users that are creating quality content grow on the platform. We do this through a variety of ways including;

  • Lessons designed to help users navigate the steemit network and teach them how to get the most out of it. (ex. Grammar 101, GINAbot Tutorial, Growing Your Following On Steemit, and Markdown Challenge

  • Daily Steemit related trivia and contests

  • Mentorship from established Steemit users in all different categories

  • A place to discuss ideas, collaborate with other members, and build your personal community

  • Daily upvote from Helpie for members

  • Weekly Curation of great quality content. (Go check out our new Fine Art Curation by our very own @art-mess)

    Helpie is an invite only community, but anyone can participate in the daily trivia questions. You are not required to upvote Helpi’s posts to participate. This initiative is not meant to be a vote for vote operation, it’s an educational tool only. If you would like to be considered to join Helpie as a minnow in training, please consider joining PALnet/MSP and participating in the community. We have scouts constantly looking for the right minnows to support, and they will reach out with a private invitation.


This Week's Featured Steemians

DIY Greenhouse Irrigation By @Digitaldan

First up this week is Dan (@digitaldan) from the UK, who just joined Steemit this month. He has been blogging elsewhere about his adventures in gardening and is currently working on moving his content to Steemit, using Dtube for his future videos. He shares with us his passion for self sustainability, growing his own food in his backyard greenhouse, delicious recipes, amazing photography and his love of electronics and 3D printing. He says that he enjoys designing systems himself rather than relying on someone else’s designs found on the internet. If his name has any indication into what is to come… I think we will all be thoroughly impressed.

His featured post today is a look into the irrigation system he has designed for his greenhouse using recycled materials and parts he printed on his 3D printer. This is part 3 in his series on the subject, and he plans to continue with his design for solar and the electronic components of the system in future posts. This post is well written and informative with easy to follow directions, tips and photos to illustrate the steps he took. He even has made his plans for the 3D parts he printed available to those who are interested. The information he has shared is helpful to any homesteader and I look forward to his future posts.

His other recent posts include Macro Spring Garden Photos, a stunning gallery of small details we all may have overlooked in our own gardens and My Introduction, a dtube video telling us a bit more about what to expect from his future posts.


How To Read A Soil Test – Part 3 By @Goldenoakfarm

Our next featured Steemian is @Goldenoakfarm who joined Steemit in January of this year. Her blog is full of helpful information on everything from gardening, livestock care, overall health, managing homestead records, delicious recipes and just sharing their happenings on the homestead. Her herbal profiles are some of my favorites and she has a real passion for sharing her knowledge with others in any way she can. They have a small farm in the Connecticut River Valley where they have built everything on their homestead themselves, learning as they go. She says “This is what our farm is all about. We are learning to work with the natural world, finding our place in its rhythms; learning to respect the life that feeds us and allowing it to live, and die, in as graceful a way as we can provide.”

Her featured post today is a series on how to read a soil test correctly, and then what items to add to improve the health of the soil. I think this is an extremely beneficial series for anyone trying to grow their own food, and she writes it in a way that is easy to understand. She walks us through the test while explaining exactly what it all means, along with sources for even more information. In today’s post she focuses on the nutrients needed to add to the soil, where to get them and the safe measurements of each all while explaining why they are beneficial.

Her other recent posts include Strawberry Shortcake, a delicious looking recipe where she uses millet flour instead of the usual wheat, and Herb Fascination: Bee Balm, a detailed look at the beneficial herb.


The Making Of A Bread From Soil To Table By @frejafri

Now let’s take a look at @frejafri who also joined steemit this month. She has an extraordinary story about how her and her band mates have traveled through eight countries together on their earnings from their art. She writes in a beautiful way sharing their experiences along the way. Currently they are traveling in their mobile tiny house sharing with us sustainable recipes, phenomenal photography and her beautiful drawings as well as their experiences with homeschooling their young son and their belief in a gift-economy.

Her featured post today is a recipe with quite the story behind it. She shares with us her own rye bread, but more than that is how they have made it 100% from their own cultivation, growing everything using permaculture and biodynamics techniques. She takes us through their steps of planting, caring for the crops, harvesting, cleaning and grinding of the seeds, and then onto fermentation as a natural yeast. This is the first I have ever seen anyone show their process from field to table in such an amazing way. I look forward to what else they have in store for us!

Her other recent posts include Free Food And Foraging In Sicily, a look into their adventure in wild food foraging, and Beautiful Photos From The Hot Springs At El Saladillo, Spain, which is a gallery full of show stopping photography.


This concludes the fifth edition of Helpie’s Homesteading Curation Report. We hope you will go and read the featured Steamians blogs and show them the love that their hard work deserves. We believe it is important for us to lift up good content on Steemit to help further grow the platform as a whole.

We are constantly searching for good content that deserves to be in the spotlight. If you come across a Homesteading post that you believe is worthy of promotion in this weekly report, feel free to tag @llfarms in the comments or send a DM message over discord.

Thank you so much for reading and Happy Homesteading,


Helpie Logo by @Ankapolo

Curation Report Written By @llfarms

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