Camping Observation: We Were Not Prepared Pt.2


The next morning I woke up nice and early.

The plan was to meet up at Gary's house early, around 8:00am, then Gary would drive us to the Blue Mountains arriving around 9:30am to start our 7 hour hike to the camp site. This would leave us plenty of time to prepare for the night-or so I thought...

I arrived at Gary's house on time at 8:00am only to find that his wife had taken the car and we now have to walk to the train station and take a three hour train ride. On top of that Charlie was also late so we ended up missing the earlier train.

When we finally made it to the hiking path and it was already 1:00pm, that’s three and a half hours behind our schedule!

Not a good start to our over night camping trip and we now have a tough mission to get to the camp site before night fall, which is in five hours.

To be continued…

You can find the other parts below:
Part One
Part Two (This post)
Part Three
Part Four


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