Camping Observation: We Were Not Prepared Pt.3


Finally we made it to the hiking path, we had to go fast as we only have 5 hours of day light left for a 7 hour hike, not to mention that we need to factor in some time to setup camp as well.

Gary was leading the way as he had been on this path a few years back, we were making good progress till we arrived at a split path.

"Left or right?" We asked Gary. He look around and with a bit of hesitation and replied "Ummm... This was the place where I took a wrong turn last time, I think its left…"

So we all turned left and started to climb the hills, 30 minutes in and we started to notice that the the path kept getting narrower and narrower.

I looked over at Gary, who had this worried look on his face, and suddenly he said "You guys rest here for a bit, I'm going to check out the path ahead to make sure we are going the right way."

Me and Charlie put our bags down and tracked Gary till he got over the hill and out of sight, this is when Charlie and I looked at each other and asked "We have been going the wrong way haven't we?"

To be continued…

You can find the other parts here:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three (This post)
Part Four
Part Five


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